Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Computer Science, University of sfax (FSEGS), Tunisia
Masters in Information systems, INSA Lyon France
Dr. Rima Grati is an Assistant Professor at the college of Technological Innovation at Zayed University and has received her PhD in computer science in Tunisia from University of Sfax (FSEGS). She is also holds a master’s degree in information systems. Her current research activities include web service, cloud computing, Business Process and QoS.
Abu Dhabi Campus, FF2-0-045
+9712 599 3592
Email: Areas
Programming & Problem Solving
IT Essentials
Cloud Computing
Web Development
DataBase Systems
Business Process Management
Research and Professional Activities
Conference Proceedings
• Grati. R. and Boukadi. K. " Big Data and Cloud Computing: A systematic mapping study". Submitted to ArabWIC 6th Annual International Conference on Arab Women in Computing (SCOPUS, ACM)
• Boukadi. K., Grati. R., Rekik. M and Ben Abdallah. H., "From VM to Container: A linear program for outsourcing business process to the cloud containers" . Proc. CoopIS 2017: 25th International Conference on cooperative information systems (Ranked A).
• Grati. R. and Boukadi. K. "Business Adaptation For BPaaS using Fuzzy Logic Systems". Proc. 14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA' 2017), Hammamet, Tunisia, IEEE Computer Society, 2017 (Ranked C).
• Grati. R., Boukadi. K., and Ben Abdallah. H., "Un SaaS Composite Auto-Adaptatif (Self AdaptiVe-CSaaS)". Proc. 11ième édition de la Conférence Avancées des Systèmes Décisionnels (ASD’2017), Tabarka, Tunisie, 2017.
• Grati. R., Boukadi. K., and Ben Abdallah. H., "SaaS Cloud provider management framework". Proc. of 12th International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B 2015), France, 2015 (Ranked B)
• Grati. R., Boukadi. K., and Ben Abdallah. H., "Overview of IaaS monitoring tools". Proc. 12th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA' 2015), Marrakech, Morocco, IEEE Computer Society, 2015 (Ranked C)
• Grati. R., Boukadi. K., and Ben Abdallah. H., "A framework for IaaS‐to‐SaaS monitoring of BPEL processes in the Cloud: design and evaluation". Proc. of 11th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA' 2014), Doha, Qatar, IEEE Computer Society, 2014 (Ranked C)
• Grati. R., Boukadi. K., and Ben Abdallah. H., "QoS based Resource Allocation and Service Selection in the Cloud". Proc. of 11th International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B 2014), Austria, 2014 (Ranked B)
• Grati. R., Boukadi. K., and Ben Abdallah. H., "A Meta Model for Monitoring Requirements in Cloud Environment". Proc. of 16th Intern. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’2013), pp: 223-23, Angers, France, 2013. (Ranked C)
• Grati. R., Boukadi. K., and Ben Abdallah. H., "A QoS Monitoring Framework for Composite Web Services in the Cloud ". Proc. of 6th Intern. Conf. on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP’2012), pp: 65-70, Barcelona, Spain, 2012.
• Boukadi. K., Grati, R. and Ben Abdallah. H., " Towards the automation of a QoS-driven SLA establishment in the Cloud". Service Oriented Computing and Application Journal (SOCA), 2016 (SJR IF=0,7)
• Grati, R., Boukadi. K., and Ben Abdallah. H., "Une approche pour la prise de décision d’adaptation à base de logique floue pour les SaaS Composites”. Accepted in Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information journal (ISI), 2017 (SJR IF=0.2)
• Grati. R., Boukadi. K. and Ben Abdallah. H., "An Event based approach to Extract the Run Time Execution Path of BPEL Process for Monitoring QoS in the Cloud". World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology; International Science Index Vol:6, No:10 (SJR IF=0.12)