Moving to the UAE
There's a lot to get organized for a move to the U.A.E. This section is divided into four sections. Click on the links to the left to access these pages.
Before You Arrive
Outlines the details that must be addressed in preparation for your departure from your current home and arrival in the UAE. Especially important is the attention to the various documents required for visa processing for both you and your family members.
Traveling to the U.A.E.
Wondering how your travel is booked? What to do about missed flights? What documents to carry with you in transit? Here you will find an outline of what to expect when traveling to the UAE.
Arrival in the U.A.E.
Arriving in a new country can be a daunting experience. Here we explain the greeting service to expect at the airport and your hotel accommodation for those first, early days.
Orientation and Settling In
In the Orientation and Settling In pages, you will find information to help you navigate those first critical weeks after your arrival at Zayed University and in the UAE .You will find specific information about the Orientation Program, held in August and January when most of our incoming new faculty and staff commence, in addition to valuable resources on healthcare coverage, important documents to prepare and bring, accommodation, schools, driving, phones and the Internet, banking and more.
In addition to the information provided in the "Moving to the UAE" pages, don't forget to check out the FAQS - there's a wealth of information to be found.