A Zayed University Alumna underscores an inspiring story of success


Alya Alyassi, a successful young Emirati woman and Zayed University Alumna, returns back to teach at Zayed University with sincere love and unconditional loyalty to her home, from which she graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Communication and Media Sciences.  

Alya AlyassiAffirming Zayed University’s keenness to empower young national competencies and encourage them to delve into academic work and scientific research, the university has invested in Alya to teach her book, which highlights the UAE media history, to undergraduates .

Professor Reyadh AlMehaideb, Vice President of Zayed University, said: “Zayed University has always been committed to attract young Emirati cadres to engage in and practice teaching profession in order to improve the quality of education and scientific research in UAE.”  

“Zayed University provides students with high quality education that keeps pace with international best practices by offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs that match the requirements of the UAE job market and reinforce students’ capabilities and skills.  The university has a very supportive learning environment with two iconic campuses in the two major cities of the UAE, and student services that truly engage and support students in their academic journey that can contribute effectively to the national development and prosperity of the nation ,” Professor AlMehaideb added.

‘Media Identity’, the title of Alya’s book, aims at fostering the UAE’s national identity and social cohesion in order to groom a generation that takes pride in Emirati culture and works hard to preserve it.

Alya, the author of the book, aimed at saving the national media identity and raising awareness about unprecedented improvements experienced by the media in the UAE .

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has acquired copies of my book and distributed them to several embassies within the country as well as diplomatic missions abroad. The ‘Media Identity’ book was also distributed to various libraries in European countries,” Alya said.