Applying for Financial Aid services:

I probably don’t qualify for financial aid. Should I apply for aid anyway?

Yes. Many students mistakenly think they don’t qualify for aid and prevent themselves from receiving financial aid by failing to apply for it. Applying for financial aid is free and there is no good excuse for not applying.

Do I need to be admitted to ZU before I can apply for financial aid?

Yes, you need to be an active student in ZU to apply for Financial aid services.

Can I apply for financial aid if I haven't applied for admission to Zayed University?

No, you need to be an active student to apply for any financial aid services.

Do I have to attend the university to qualify for financial aid?

Yes, you are required to be an active student to apply and receive any aid.

How do I apply for financial aid services?

1. Check the deadline to apply for th services.

2. Read the Conditions For Obtaining Aid Services. 

3. Check you eligibility for aid services. 

4. Prepare the required documents needed to create an appliction. 

5. Submit a request/appliction for the needed aid on Smart Financial Aid Appliction or ZU e-Service.

Why can’t I submit my financial aid application before the announced deadline?

You cannot submit an application before the deadline because the documents that you submit will expire after 3 months and your documents need to be valid for at least the first Two months during the academic year.

Do I have to apply every year?

Yes. You need to submit a new Monthly Stipend aid application each academic year because:
1. Many documents that you have submitted expired.
2. Your financial circumstances change which changes your eligibility for financial aid significantly, especially if you have a different number of family members or your family income changed.

How is eligibility determined?

Financial aid eligibility is determined by several factors:
1- Checking if the documents that you submitted are valid. If the document that you submitted is not valid it will be rejected and you will be given one week to upload a valid document.
2- Calculation your family information to determine your family average income per family member is. We take into consideration values as income, number of family members, monthly installments, etc.
3- Your GPA

Dose ZU have all of the paperwork required to process my financial aid appliction?

Log into and check the following:
1- Make sure you have submitted an appliction for the current academic year.
2- Make sure that you have upload any rejected documents. The appliction with the status “Missing documents” is the appliction that you need to upload the documents too.

My parents are separated, which parent do I file for financial aid with?

If you are under 21, you need to submit documents for the parent that has custody of you.
If you are 21 and above, you need to submit documents for the parent that has custody of you or whom you live with for more than 6 months.

What are the common mistakes people make in applying for financial aid?

- Failing to submit an appliction within the announced deadline.
- Failing to submit the requested documents within the one week deadline.
- Not completing a draft appliction within 7 days.
- Not adding all family members in the appliction.

Will I receive financial aid during summer?

For Educational Devices Aid, you can receive the aid but your Current Status needs to be Active.
For Monthly Stipends Aid, you will be informed about when the aid will finish.

Is it mandatory to check and read emails sent by the Student Support Unit?

Yes, as the e-mail is the official medium for communication, students have to follow the Unit’s instructions sent via e-mail.

Should the required documents for Financial Support be updated annually?

Yes, data needs to be updated annually. if students do not update their documents, then their names will be removed from the Financial Support program.

What happens if data’s update is delayed?

If Student does not update his /her personal data , with no justified valid reason with evidence, then Financial Support will be suspended. Financial Support will remain suspended unless the student submits his /her justified reasons.

I don’t have a bank account yet, can I still apply for financial aid?

Yes, you can apply without the bank account information. The bank account is not required until your Monthly Stipends Aid request is approved.