What is Counseling?
‘Counseling’ is a word with many meanings. People are often misled by how ‘counseling’ is portrayed in pop-culture and media. When people are influenced by those misconceptions, it can make them very hesitant about meeting a counselor. Perhaps you are quite aware of the right meaning of counseling but not so sure about how it works. In this guide, we’ll walk you through four key areas related to benefitting from our services
Myths & Realities of Counseling - We’ll tell you what counseling really is. To do that, we’ll list a number of myths surrounding the word ‘counseling’. It takes effort to understand the right meaning of the word – so we’ll tell you the realities of those myths.
What to Expect in Counseling? - We’ll also give you a brief overview on what to expect when you meet the counselor.
Clients’ Rights & Responsibilities - We’ll help you learn more about your rights and responsibilities when you are at our center.