People of Determination

What does the term "People of Determination" mean?

In 2016 HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum introduced the term People of Determination to describe people who were formally called special needs as outlined in the Federal Law No. 29 of 2006 Concerning the Rights of People with Special Needs.


The law defines a person with special needs as someone suffering from a temporary or permanent, full or partial deficiency or infirmity in his physical, sensory, mental, communication, educational or psychological abilities to an extent that limits his possibility of performing the ordinary requirements as people without special needs. This law protects the rights of people with special needs and guarantees them the right to live with dignity.

Student Accessibility Services caters for People of Determination (visual impairment, hard of hearing and physical) and (ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Autism Spectrum, Language Disorders, Memory Problems).