Call for proposals 2020
We are pleased to announce the following Calls for Proposals:
- Research Incentive Fund. Please note that there are two deadlines: one for resubmission of proposals from the last round and one for new proposals.
Also, please note that all proposals must be submitted by your Dean/Director. No direct submissions by faculty will be accepted.
You will find the following four RIF-related documents:
- Details of the Call for Proposals.
- Frascati Manual categories (see detailed CFP for more information).
- National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy
- External review rubric.
- RIF application form.
- Research Clusters. This is a dual call. Please see details (here).
You can EITHER:
- Submit a proposal for a multi-disciplinary research project that would link ZU with external entities (industry and/or government), with the possibility of receiving external funding. Clusters will engage the faculty across several colleges and disciplines, and will lead to engagement with the outside community.
- Submit a proposal for research work that falls under one of the research centers announced in 2019.
As you will see in the CFP, the deadlines for regular and center-based clusters are staggered so that if you submit a (pre-proposal) for a center cluster that is not accepted, you will still have time to revise it for the regular cluster application review.
We are making the announcement now, but the deadline for cluster proposals is not until after the summer break. This gives you plenty of time to develop a winning proposal, and to make the kinds of contacts with colleagues and external entities that will strengthen your case. We will send a reminder later, but if you are planning to prepare a cluster proposal, please start thinking about it now. The review process will be rigorous, as we only want to fund clusters that stand a good chance of success and of elevating ZU’s research profile.
Please note that all deadlines are FIRM. Read all documents and ensure you follow the guidelines set out in them.