What types of research projects require ethical clearance?

How do I obtain ethical clearance?

How will my application be evaluated?

Can I apply for an exemption?

How long do I maintain my research records?

Who do I inform if I am publishing my research results?  

What if I have already obtained ethical clearance prior to the REC being established?


What types of research projects require ethical clearance?

At Zayed University, clearance should be sought for all research in which it is anticipated that human or animal subjects will be involved as subjects of the research (e.g. as subjects of surveys or interviews, or as subjects of clinical trials) including:

  • unfunded research conducted by faculty which intend to use students, faculty or staff within ZU as subjects for their research
  • research which is funded through research grants (e.g. ZU RIF Grants, ZU Start-Up Grants, or from externally funded grant organizations such as the National Research Foundation or Emirates Foundation)
  • research conducted by people external to ZU, who are seeking to use students, faculty or staff within ZU as subjects for their research
  • all clinical research


How do I obtain ethical clearance?

  1. Read the Ethical Clearance Guidelines

  2. Complete the relevant ethical clearance form

  3. Attach all required documentation

  4. Attach any other relevant supporting documentation

  5. Submit all materials to the ZU Research Ethics Committee (REC)


How will my application be evaluated?

All research projects will be evaluated using international best practice, applying the following guiding principles:

  • The proposed research applies sound research design and recognized data collection techniques.
  • Risks to participants are acceptable in relation to anticipated benefits and the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result.
  • The research reflects an awareness of cultural sensitivity, specifically relating to issues of Islamic culture and traditions.
  • Informed consent is obtained from all participants or their legal guardian.
  • There are adequate provisions to maintain the confidentiality of participants.
  • Selection of participants is appropriate and equitable.
  • Research Assistants and other supporting staff are adequately trained for the tasks and possess the necessary skills, experiences and professional maturity to undertake all required tasks.
  • There are planned processes for the handling of potentially sensitive data, highly personal information, observations of criminal acts or dealing with dangerous or emergency situations (this is particularly relevant where researchers are interviewing children, visiting family homes or discussing topics of a personal nature).

Committee members follow strict guidelines in the evaluation process.  All efforts are made to ensure a speedy and transparent approval process.


Can I apply for an exemption?

Due to the nature of their research, some Primary Investigators may request an exemption from the full application process. Exemption is only awarded where the proposed research meets one or more of the exemption criteria below:

1. Research is undertaken by students at Zayed University

2. Research is primarily focused on quality assurance or process improvement 

3. Research which does NOT involve human or animal subjects

4. Research involving the collection or study of existing data etc, if these sources are publically available

5. Research conducted in established educational settings, involving normal educational practices

6. Research involving the use of educational tests (cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, achievement), survey procedures, interview procedures or observation of public behavior

7.  Research does NOT involve children as participants, or participants who are known to be prisoners.
(Children are defined as those under 18 years old.)

For more information, please read the Ethical Clearance Guidelines.


How long do I maintain my research records?

The Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) requires that all information relating to human subjects research must be securely retained by the Investigator for at least seven (7) years after the completion of research. These records must be made available, upon request, to HAAD or ZU REC for the purposes of audit and review.



Who do I inform if I am publishing my research results?         

The Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) requires notification in advance, of any proposal to publish or disseminate the findings of human subjects research conducted in the Abu Dhabi Emirate. Please advise the ZU Office of Research of all proposed publications, paper presentations or other public avenues for disseminating your research results.  

In general, the Office of Research would like to publicize your research success.  Please share any of your publications or public events so we may best showcase your achievements.