Maintaining the Award
Research Milestones and Reporting
Granting organizations will expect both the projected research outcomes and sound financial management for their money. Documenting your research progress is often required on a semi or annual basis – ensure that you are familiar with the guidelines for your research grant, as the PI has the primary responsibility for appropriate acquittal of the research grant.
Most grants will require regular progress reports, generally every six (6) months for the duration of the research, and a final report at closure. The Progress Report will seek information about your activity to date, and any variations to the scope of your research, your budget, your co-investigators, or your projected completion date. Progress Report and Final Report templates are available on-line for all ZU Grants. Contact the Office of Research to discuss the reporting requirements for your specific grant.
Balancing the Budget
All research grants will require you to keep track of both your research milestones, and your budget. The Office of Research will assist you at the outset to establish funding codes and to facilitate appropriate purchase and hiring arrangements - see Getting Started.
Research staff will also maintain a simple Research Grant Budget Balance Sheet for your research grant, and will send you six-monthly updates on your expenditure and commitments. Always discuss any unexpected variations to your budget, so that records are mutually agreed and accurate. Keeping on track throughout your research cycle will assist you greatly when it comes to closing off your grant.