Assessment Workshop

The Information Literacy Network of the GCC and Zayed University is hosting an ACRL workshop: Assessment in Action.

Thursday November 21, 9a.m. to 4p.m.

Zayed University, Abu Dhabi Conference Center.

Registration will close by November 14, 2019.


Higher education institutions of all types are facing intensified attention to assessment and accountability issues. Academic libraries are increasingly connecting with colleagues and campus stakeholders to design and implement assessment that documents their contributions to institutional priorities. In this day-long workshop on strategic and sustainable assessment, participants will identify institutional priorities and campus partners, design an assessment project grounded in action research, and prepare a plan for communicating the project results. This workshop is based on the highly successful ACRL Assessment in Action program curriculum.


Learning Outcomes

Workshop participants will be able to...

  • Apply action research as a means to designing robust assessment plans, practices, and processes.
  • Implement assessment practices that document the impact of libraries on student learning, academic programs and activities, and institutional initiatives.
  • Collaborate with key campus partners to plan and conduct assessment that aligns library outcomes with institutional initiatives, priorities, and assessment activities.
  • Use the results of assessment and action research to foster support for library contributions to student learning and success.

Who Should Attend

This workshop is intended for all librarians, library staff, and library administrators who seek to design and implement an assessment project that investigates the impact of the library on student learning and success. The workshop is particularly relevant for those who are interested in working with campus partners and aligning assessment with institutional priorities. Attendees are not expected to have previous experience with assessment.

The Workshop Facilitator

Eric Resnis is Head of Instructional Services at Coastal Carolina University's Kimbel Library. He participated in ACRL’s Assessment in Action program both as a team leader (year 1) and as a co-facilitator (year 3). Eric was the Vice President/President-Elect (2017-2018) of the Academic Library Association of Ohio, the Ohio chapter of ACRL. He regularly publishes and presents on the value of assessment in meeting information literacy outcomes, strengthening liaison roles, and demonstrating library impact towards institutional outcomes.


To find out more about the workshop, click here:


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