Dr. Ahmed Salem

Associate Professor

Dr. Ahmed Ali Salem is an associate professor at the Institute for Islamic World Studies, Zayed University, UAE, and the Institute’s former assistant director. He teaches courses on the Islamic World, including courses in the MA programs in Islamic World Studies, and Diplomacy and International Affairs. His research agenda includes theoretical and methodological debates in International Relations; modern Islamic reform thought and movements; conflicts in Arab and African Worlds; and modern history of Arab-African, and Islamic-Western, relations. He has authored, edited and translated more than twenty books, book chapters, journal articles, web articles, and conference papers in both Arabic and English since he received his Ph.D. degree in political science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and joined Zayed University, in 2006. He also earned M.A in African Studies from UIUC in 2002; another M.A. in Islamic Studies from Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (now, Cordoba University), VA, USA, in 1999; and B.Sc. in political science from Cairo University, Egypt, in 1996.


His most recent book is What Is Constructivist About Realism? Constructivist Critiquing of the Realist Paradigm in International Relations (2012), which is an in-depth analysis of the classic works of leading theorists in the realist school of international relations. It criticizes the works of Carr, Morgenthau and Waltz, and their contributions to the continuous building and rebuilding of realism. It highlights their problematic assumptions, internal inconsistencies and failures to address important aspects of international relations. It also criticizes later realist attempts to fix serious problems of Waltz’s theory in order to save the realist paradigm in international relations. Criticisms are based on a constructivist point of view.


His first book is "International Relations Theories and International Organizations: Realism, Constructivism, and Collective Security in the League of Arab States" (2008) in which he developed a set of realist and constructivist hypotheses, and tested them in collective security actions that an international organization undertakes against a member that evidently planned or committed aggression against another member. He used the Arab League’s responses to the Iraq-Kuwait crises in 1961 and 1990 as case studies.




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