Mohamad Badra

Associate Professor
DXB Campus

  • Ph.D. degree in Computer Sciences and Networks, TELECOM ParisTECH, Paris) – France.

  • information security, smart city (smart grid, urban sensing, etc.), wireless sensor networks, with a focus on designing, building, analyzing, and measuring privacy and security protocols and secure architectures for wired/wireless networks.

  • 2004-2005: Assistant Professor at University Paris V ­ René Descartes. Principal education: Systems and networks.

  • 2005-2006: Assistant Professor/Postdoctoral, ENST Paris.

  • 2006-2009: Assistant Professor at CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research, France) and at BPU (Blaise Pascal University)

  • 2009-2013: Assistant Professor at Dhofar University (Affiliated with American University of Beirut), Sultanate of Oman

  • Participated in several European projects on securing wireless and mobile networks

  • Consultant, Ineovation Company, France, on the design and construction of security protocols.

  • Design and concept of security standards for IETF (largest organization in the world for developing and normalizing Internet standards).

  • Elected President of ESRGroups Scientific Organization, 2006.

  • Committee Member

    o TPC Member: SSCC, ICCVE, DependSys, CNS, Globecom, WCNC, NTMS, etc.

  • Associate Editor,

    o Associate Editor for Security, Privacy and Authentication (specialty section of Frontiers in Communications and Networks Journal: Frontiers in Communications and Networks

    o Associate Editor for the journal "Forensic Science & Addiction Research"

    o Guest Special Issue Editor: Ad-hoc journal.

  • Member, ASCE Geo Institute Committee for Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, 2010-present.

  • Editorial President/Board Member,

    o Technical Program (TPC) Chair: WSN-IoT2020/2021, CSNet2021.

    o Steering Committee Chair: IFIP NTMS, 2020/2021.

    o Reviewer for several journals (e.g., IEEE Security & Privacy; Elsivier Ad Hoc).

Journals (Last Ten)

  • N., El Madhoun, E., Bertin, M., Badra, G., Pujolle, "Towards more secure EMV purchase transactions", Annals of Telecommunications, Vol. 76, pp. 203-222, 2021.

  • M., Badra, R., Borghol, "Long-term integrity and non-repudiation protocol for multiple entities", Sustainable cities and society, Vol. 40, pp. 189-193, 2018.

  • O., Bello, S., Zeadally, M., Badra, "Network layer inter-operation of Device-to-Device communication technologies in Internet of Things (IoT)", Ad Hoc Networks Vol. 57, pp. 52-62, 2017.

  • M., Badra, S., Zeadally, "Lightweight and efficient privacy-preserving data aggregation approach for the Smart Grid", Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 64, pp. 32-40, 2017.

  • M., Badra, S., Zeadally, "Lightweight and efficient privacy-preserving data aggregation approach for the Smart Grid", Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 64, pp. 32-40, 2017.

  • M., Badra, S., Zeadally, "An Improved Privacy Solution for the Smart Grid". International Journal of Network Security, Vol.18, No.3, PP.529-537, 2016.

  • R., Alaez, J. M., Alcaraz Calero, F., Belqasmi, M., El Barachi, M., Badra, O., Alfandi, "Towards an open-source architecture for multi-operator LTE core networks". Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 75, pp. 101-109, 2016.

  • N., Sahli, N., Jabeur, M., Badra, "Agent-based framework for sensor-to-sensor personalization". Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 81(3), pp. 487-495, 2015.

  • N., Sahli, N., Jabeur, M., Badra, "Agent-based Framework for Sensor-to-Sensor Personalization", Accepted, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2014.

  • M., Badra, S., Zeadally, "Design and Performance Analysis of a Virtual Ring Architecture for Smart Grid Privacy", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 9 , No. 2, pp. 321-329, 2014.

  • Recipient of:

    o Research Incentive Fund (RIF) (Zayed University, 2014) – AED 78.000

    o Start-up Research (Zayed University, 2014) – AED 45.00

    o TRC Grant (Oman, 2010) – 37.000 Omani Riyals

    o OSEO ANVAR (French competition, 2009) – 300.000 Euros

    o OSEO ANVAR (French competition, 2008) – 50.000 Euros

  • Patent

    o "Procédé de Protection d'Identité, Dispositifs et Produit Programme d'Ordinateur Correspondants", Publication: WO2007115982 (A2), October 2007.

    o "Un Procédé d'Embarquement d'un Protocole Sécurisé dans des Cartes à Puces, Des Capteurs Et Des Objets Intelligents", Publication: FR2901438 (A1), October 2007.

    o "Une Méthode de Mise en Place des Réseaux Privés Virtuels et de Control d'Accès Distant", Publication: FR2901083 (A1), November 2007.

    o "Procédé d’Authentification Mutuelle et de Contrôle d’Accès, Dispositifs et Produit Programme d’Ordinateur Correspondants", FR0851674, March 2008.

  • Award of best researcher at the College of Technological Innovation for 2017.

  • Improving the security of Internet exchanges, CNRS press, 2009.

  • Le RPV SSL passe le cap du multiplexage (in French), 01 Informatique, 2008.

  • SEC605: Information Security

  • SEC615: Network and Internet Security

  • SEC645: PenetrationTest & Adva.Hack.Tech