Ahmed Seffah

AUH Campus

  • Habitation (French HDR, Second Ph.D., required to be considered as a professor by the French Ministry of Education), “Human-Centered Software Design and Engineering: Patterns and Metrics” Ecole Centrale de Lyon and University of Claude Bernard, Lyon, France, 2006.

  • Ph.D. in Software Engineering, “Proposals for Learnability in Integrated CASE tools” Ecole Centrale de Lyon and University of Claude Bernard, Lyon, France, 1993.

  • Master of Applied Automatics and Informatics, “Development and Integration of Intelligent Help Tool in Computer-Assisted Design: The Case of Catia, Dassault Systems” Institut National des Sciences Appliqués and Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA/ECL France, 1989.

  • Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering Specialisation Software, “Formal Analysis and Design of Safety-Critical Systems” USTHB (Algeria)/INSA (Lyon-France) 1987.

  • Augmented human-data-physical things integration, interaction and intelligence

  • Usability, privacy versus security conflicts, and design trade-offs

  • Open innovation by user experience design thinking

  • Sustainability and green design aspects in HCI

  • Living lab as an incubator for the design of civic participation in sustainability challenges

  • Gamification design for societal challenges

  • Professor of software engineering, since 2021 (CTI-Zayed University )

  • Professor of HCI and Software Engineering, 2010-2018 (UTT/France, LUT/Finland, HES-SO/University of Lausanne Switzerland)

  • Professor of Human-Centric Software Engineering and HCI, 2000-2010 (Canada, Concordia University)

  • Adjunct Professor, 1995-2000 (UQAM, Software Engineering Group, Canada)

  • Team Leader/Director/Research, 1995-2000 (CRIM, Montreal, Canada)

  • Distinguished Visiting Scholar, IBM Almaden, 2012

  • Visiting Professor since 1998, in more than 10 universities (France, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Germany, Russia, Jordan, Vietnam, Japan, Australia)

  • Senior Consultant and Research Scientist, since 1996, IBM, SAP, Michelin, Thales, Daimler Chrysler/Mercedes, Bell Canada, Orange, Bombardier, Ericsson, among others

  • Current ongoing: Co-founder Zayed University Interactive Media Lab and Digital Humanities Research Network

  • Co-Designed and Contributed to accreditation to 10 undergraduate and master programs in software engineering, CS, and HCI

  • Developed and Taught more than 25 courses including HCI, green UX, usable security, research methods, and model/modeling in software engineering for master programs (Canada/Europe)

  • Founded, chaired, and developed 3 major research labs/groups: CODER (Finland), Human-Centric Software Engineering Research Chair (Canada), Fab/Living Lab (Switzerland/France)

  • Proposed, chaired, and/or contributed to more than 10M (Euro) granted projects from European Union Projects (Erasmus, Cost-Action, Horizon), Canada NSRG, CFI, France ANR, as well as companies.

  • Regularly, keynote speakers at international conferences and research centers, recently on problem-based learning, interdisciplinary research, and education for sustainability challenges as well as gaming, student engagement, learning problem, and societal challenges

  • UAE Representative for IFIP technical committees on HCI, software engineering, and ICT for societal challenges

  • ISO Technical Committee on software engineering (Active Member and representative Canada/France from 1995-2018)

  • Affiliated and played major roles with major associations in HCI and software engineering: ACM-SIGCHI, UX Professional Association, IEEE education and software engineering, IFIP Technical committees

Journals (Last Ten)

  • Shola Oyedeji, Ahmed Seffah and Birgit Penzenstadler. A Catalogue Supporting Software Sustainability Design. Sustainability Journal, 2018, 10(7), 2296

  • Ahmed Seffah, and all., Designing for Effective Interactions with Data in the Internet of Things. ACM SIGCHI Design (Design of Interactive Systems). Hong Kong, June 9-13, 2018.

  • Ahmed Seffah and all., Integrating Sustainability in the Human-Centric Software Engineering lifecycle. 7Th IFIP Working Conference on Human-Centric Software Engineering, Nice, France, September 3-5, 2018

  • Usable Sustainability and Green User Experience Design, ACM-EICS Conference, Paris June 19-20, 2018

  • Palacin-Silva Maria Victoria, Seffah Ahmed, Porras Jari. Infusing sustainability into software engineering education: Lessons learned from capstone projects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017.

  • Karim Touloum, Djilali Idoughi, Ahmed Seffah: User Experience in Service Design: A Case Study from Algeria. IT Professional 19(1): 2017

  • Ahmed Seffah: Patterns of HCI Design and HCI Design of Patterns - Bridging HCI Design and Model-Driven Software Engineering. HCI Series. Springer 2015

  • Christina Braz, Ahmed Seffah and Billal Naqvi. Integrating a Usable Security Protocol into User Authentication Services Design Process. Francis Taylor/CRC Press. 2018.

  • Leydi Caballero, Ana María Moreno, Ahmed Seffah: How Agile Developers Integrate User-Centered Design Into Their Processes: A Literature Review. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 26(8): 1175-1202 (2016)

  • Jussi Laakkonen, Janne Parkkila, Pekka Jäppinen, Jouni Ikonen and Ahmed Seffah. Incorporating privacy into digital game platform design. The What? Why? How? Accepted to: IEEE Security and Privacy

Graduate (2008-present)

  • SWE 245 – Web Development

  • IMT 375 - Human-Computer Interaction

  • IMT 376 – Game Design, Programming, and Prototyping

  • SEC 601 – Research Methods

  • CIT 499 – Senior Project