Associate Professor

Ph.D. in Information Systems
M.Sc. in Management Information Systems
B.Sc. in Computer Science


Dr. Ahmed Shuhaiber has been appointed as an associate professor at the college of Technological Innovation – Abu Dhabi Campus with joining date 10th of August 2018. He completed his PhD Degree in Information Systems from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand in 2016. In 2014, he was qualified as Certified International Professional Trainer from the American Certification Institute, and in 2019, Ahmed was qualified as IBM Business Intelligence (BI) Data Analyst using IBM Cognos Analytics software on the Mastery Level.
Ahmed has experience in lecturing, research and corporate training. Prior to joining Zayed University, he worked previously at Al Ain University of Science and Technology, Victoria University of Wellington and Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan. Also, Ahmed has trained in and provided consultancy to several national and international training centers, such New Horizons, UITI, Jordan River Academy and others.


Abu Dhabi Campus, FF2-0-033


+9712 599 3629

Teaching Areas

IT strategy and governance (INS468), IT Entrepreneurship (CIT480), Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise (INS492), Systems Analysis and Design (CIT460), Management Information Systems (INS260), and Senior projects (CIT499).

Research and Professional Activities

My current research interest lie in the fields of optimization and modelling smart city services and IoT application (Smart Homes, Smart Energy Grids and Metering Systems), Human Computer Interaction within the social media and emerging technologies (Trust, adoption, acceptance, addiction, …) in the fields of m-commerce, virtual learning, and IT innovations. Mostly, I follow a quantitative approach for validating and testing models, using statistical tools such as SmartPLS and SPSS.

Refereed journal papers

  • Shuhaiber, A. H. (2020). Residents' perceptions of smart energy meters. Expert Systems.‏
  • Mashal, I., Shuhaiber, A., & Daoud, M. (2020). Factors influencing the acceptance of smart homes in Jordan. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing11(2), 113-142.‏
  • Mashal, I., & Shuhaiber, A. (2019). What makes Jordanian residents buy smart home devices? Kybernetes.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A., & Mashal, I. (2019). Understanding users’ acceptance of smart homes. Technology in Society58, 101110.‏
  • Al-Jundi, S. A., Shuhaiber, A., & Augustine, R. (2019). Effect of consumer innovativeness on new product purchase intentions through learning process and perceived value. Cogent Business & Management6(1), 1698849.‏
  • Aldwairi, M., & Shuhaiber, A. (2019). Exploring the integration of CDIO, crowdsourcing and gamification into information security courses. World Trans. on Engng. and Technol. Educ17(3), 237-243.‏
  • Aldwairi, M., & Shuhaiber, A. (2019). Predicting students’ acceptance of CDIO as a crowdsourcing and gamification methodology in IT classrooms: a multiple regression model using PLS-SEM. Global Journal of Engineering Education21(3).‏
  • Alqirem, R. M., Alnaimi, H. M., & Shuhaiber, A. (2018). A best-practice model of university-students relationship development: an empirical study. International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM)14(4), 46-67.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A. (2018). Towards an understanding of students' behavioral intention to take virtual lectures in UAE universities. International Journal of Economics and Business Research16(1), 92-103.‏
  • Khasawneh, M. H. A., & Shuhaiber, A. (2018). Developing and validating a comprehensive model of factors influencing consumer acceptance of SMS advertising: empirical evidence using SEM-PLS. International Journal of Business Information Systems27(3), 298-330.‏
  • Malak, M. Z., Khalifeh, A. H., & Shuhaiber, A. H. (2017). Prevalence of Internet Addiction and associated risk factors in Jordanian school students. Computers in Human Behavior70, 556-563.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A. (2020, February). A Predictive Model of Users’ Behavior and Values of Smart Energy Meters Using PLS-SEM. In International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (pp. 903-908). Springer, Cham.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A., Mashal, I., & Alsaryrah, O. (2019, November). The Role of Smart Homes’ Attributes on Users’ Acceptance. In 2019 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A., Mashal, I., & Alsaryrah, O. (2019, November). Smart Homes as an IoT Application: Predicting Attitudes and Behaviors. In 2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A. (2018, March). The role of perceived control, enjoyment, cost, sustainability and trust on intention to use smart meters: An empirical study using SEM-PLS. In World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 789-799). Springer, Cham.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A. (2016). How facilitating conditions impact students’ intention to use virtual lectures? An empirical evidence. In The Twelfth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (pp. 68-75).‏

Papers in refereed conference proceedings

  • Shuhaiber, A. (2020, February). A Predictive Model of Users’ Behavior and Values of Smart Energy Meters Using PLS-SEM. In International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (pp. 903-908). Springer, Cham.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A., Mashal, I., & Alsaryrah, O. (2019, November). The Role of Smart Homes’ Attributes on Users’ Acceptance. In 2019 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A., Mashal, I., & Alsaryrah, O. (2019, November). Smart Homes as an IoT Application: Predicting Attitudes and Behaviors. In 2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A. (2018, March). The role of perceived control, enjoyment, cost, sustainability and trust on intention to use smart meters: An empirical study using SEM-PLS. In World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 789-799). Springer, Cham.‏
  • Shuhaiber, A. (2016). How facilitating conditions impact students’ intention to use virtual lectures? An empirical evidence. In The Twelfth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (pp. 68-75).‏