Alena Connolly
Assistant Professor
B.Sc. in Economics;
M.Sc. in Information Systems Management;
Ph.D. in Information Security/Cyber Security
I have been conducting research in Cyber Security since 2011, mainly focusing on topics such as human factors in security; cybercrime; and cyber security measures in organizational settings. I have completed Ph.D. in Information Security/Cyber Security in 2016 at the National University of Ireland Galway. During my Ph.D. studies, I have won Fulbright scholarship, which allowed me conduct my work at the University of California Berkeley for 1 year. Before joining Zayed University, I worked at several Irish/UK universities, including the National University of Ireland Galway, University of Leeds, University College London, and University of Bradford.
Abu Dhabi Campus, MF2.0.050
Email: Areas
Information Security/Cyber Security
Research and Professional Activities
Research Area(s):
ransomware; cybercrime; security measures in organizations; human factors in security