Associate Professor
B.Sc. in Computer Science, 1985, Yarmouk University, Jordan
M.SE. in Computer Engineering, 1988, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Ph.D. in Computer Science, 1994, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA
Dr. Abdallah Tubaishat is an associate professor in the College of Technological Innovation at Zayed University, UAE. He holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from Illinois Institute of Technology, USA. Dr. Tubaishat has around 25 Years of experience in teaching and research: one year as a full-time visiting professor in Chicago State University, USA; six years of experience as an assistant professor in Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST), Jordan; and nineteen years as an associate professor in Zayed University, UAE. His research spans three main areas: software engineering, cyber security, and IT teaching innovations. He has published a book entitled "Computer Skills", one book chapter, twenty-five journal papers, and forty-four conference publications. Dr. Tubaishat served on the program and organizing committees of several international conferences and workshops. He served as TPC for 61 international journals and conferences, chaired 6 conferences sessions, attended 8 professional workshops, and delivered 4 invited talks in local and international professional gathering.
Abu Dhabi Campus, FF2-0-048
Email: Areas
Software Engineering, Databases, Foundation, and Programming.
Research and Professional Activities
Research Area(s)
Dr. Abdallah Tubaishat research spans two main areas, one is technical: software engineering and cyber security and the other is non-technical: e-learning and IT teaching Innovation.
Refereed journal papers
Maqbool, F., Razzaq, S., Al-Obeidat, F., Tubaishat, A., Shah, B., Anwar, S., Ilyas, M.
Deep Learning Framework for Remote Monitoring. Accepted for publication in J. of Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2020. (Q1).
Maqbool, F., Khalid, M., Al-Obeidat, F., Tubaishat, A., Shah, B., Razzaq, S., Ilyas, M.
An Assortment of Evolutionary Computation Techniques (AECT) in Gaming. Accepted for
publication in J. of Neural Computing and Applications 2020. (Q2).
Madiha, T., Tubaishat, A., Al-Obeidat, F., Shah, B., Halim, Z., Waqas, M.
A Novel Binary Chaotic Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection and Its Utility in Affective Computing
and Healthcare. Accepted for publication in J. of Neural Computing and Applications 2020. (Q2).
Khan, O., Al-Obeidat, F., Tubaishat, A., Shah, B., Halim, Z.
Gene-encoder: A feature selection technique through unsupervised deep learning-based clustering for
large gene expression data. Accepted for publication in J. of Neural Computing and Applications 2020.
Anwar, S., Al-Obeidat, F., Tubaishat, A., Din, S., Ahmad, A., Alam Khan, F., Geon, G., Loo, J.
Countering Malicious URLs in Internet-of-Thing Using a Knowledge-based Approach and a Simulated
Expert. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 7, Issue 5, Pages4497-4504, print ISSN: 2327-4662,
Online ISSN: 2327-4662, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2954919.2019. (Q1).
Altakrori, M. H., Iqbal, F., Fung, B. C. M., Ding, S. H. H., and Tubaishat, A.
Arabic authorship attribution: an extensive study on Twitter posts. ACM Transactions on Asian and
Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 18(1), art. no. 5.2018. (Q3).
Al-Obeidat, F., Tubaishat, A., Dillon, A., & Shah, B.
Analyzing Students' Performance Using Multi-Criteria Classification. Cluster Computing, doi:
10.1007/s10586-017-0967-A, Springer. 2017. (Q2).
Tubaishat, A., Sumaidaa, S. (ZU student)
Implementation guidelines for green data centres. Global Journal of Computer Sciences: Theory and
Research, v. 7, n. 1, p. 17-23, Nov. 2017. ISSN 2301-2587. Available at 2017.
Majdalawieh, M., Antero, M., Bataineh, E., and Tubaishat, A.
A New Innovative Undergraduate Degree Program in Enterprise Computing at Zayed University: Successes, Challenges, and Future Directions, Amity Journal of Training and Development (AJTD) 1(1), 46-57, 2016. 2016.
Papers in refereed conference proceedings
Tubaishat, A., Al Jouhi, M.
Building a Security Framework for Smart Cities: A Case Study from UAE, The 5th International
Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Shanghai, China, 15-18
May 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ICCCS49078.2020.9118517. 2020.
Almansoori, M. (ZU Student), Albanna, A. (ZU Student), Adwan, S. (ZU Student), Tubaishat, A.
Proposing A Secure Database Warehousing System for UAE K-12 Schools. the 12th Undergraduate
Research Conference (urc2020),, Dubai, UAE, April 15-16, 2020.
Hussain, M., Amin, A., Anwar, S., Tubaishat, A., Al-Obeidat, F., and Moreirag, F.
Employee Churn Prediction Using Various Outlier Levels. WAIM2020: 2nd Workshop on Artificial
Intelligence and Management (IEEE Sponsor). Submitted for publication. 2020.
Tubaishat, A.
Security in Cloud Computing: State-of-the-Art, Key Features, Challenges, and Opportunities, The 4th
International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Singapore on
February 23-25, 2019.
Kazim, A., Almaeeni, F., Al Ali, S., Iqbal, F., Al Hussaini, K., and Tubaishat, A.
Memory Forensics: Recovering Chat Messages and Encryption Master Key, The 10th International
Conference on Information & Communication Systems (CICS’19), June 11-13, 2019, Irbid, Jordan. 2019.
Alameri, S., Alhammadi, M. (ZU Students) and Tubaishat, A.
Secure Course Management System, the 11th Undergraduate Research Conference (urc2019),, Dubai, UAE, April 17-18, 2019.
Alhadhrami, M., Jumaan, F. (ZU Students) and Tubaishat, A.
Secure File Sharing Using Access Control Through Implementing a Working Prototype, the 11th
Undergraduate Research Conference (urc2019),, Dubai, UAE, April 17-18, 2019.
Alkaabi, R., Al Ali, M. (ZU Students) and Tubaishat, A.
Incident Response System in UAE: A Working Prototype, the 11th Undergraduate Research Conference (urc2019),, Dubai, UAE, April 17-18, 2019.
Tubaishat, A., and Paliath, S., (ZU Student)
Adoption Challenges of the Internet of Things: A Survey, 2018 3rd International Conference on
Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS), Pages: 332 – 338. Publisher: IEEE Explore. 2019
Ameri, N., Alzaabi, A. (ZU Student), and Tubaishat, A.
Tax Calculation Database Application, 10th Undergraduate Research Conference, Dubai,, UAE, April 25-26, 2018.
Tubaishat, A. and Elsayed, R., (ZU Students)
Safe City: Introducing a Flawless Model and Implementation Guidelines to Reduce Crime Rate and
Response Time, The International Business Information Management Conference (29th IBIMA,
Scopus), 3-4 May, 2017, Vienna, Austria. 2017.
Ahmed, M., Saber, S. (ZU Student), and Tubaishat, A.
Self-Adaptive Software in Mobile Devices: Opportunities and Challenges 9th Undergraduate Research
Conference, Dubai,, UAE, April 26-27, 2017.
Al Ameri, N. (ZU Student), and Tubaishat, A.
Bionic Limbs: Features, Challenges, and Opportunities, 9th Undergraduate Research Conference, Dubai., UAE, April 26-27, 2017.
Al-Obeidat, F., and Tubaishat, A.
Predicting Students’ Performance Using Mutli-Criteria Classification, The International Business
Information Management Conference (28th IBIMA, Scopus) 9-10 November 2016, Seville, Spain,
ISBN:978-0-9860419-8-3). 2016.
Tubaishat, A.
Student Perspectives of eFolios – an Experience from an Outcome-Based University. In Proceedings of
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 1359-
1364). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE),
Savannah, GA, USA, 21-26 March 2016, 2016.