Assistant Professor and Chair Psychology

Licensed Psychologist

Ph.D. in Psychology
M.A. in Counseling


Year Joined Zayed University: 2013

Google Scholar Profile


Abu Dhabi - Khalifa City, FF1-1-017


+971 2 599 3494

Research and Professional Activities

Research Focus:

Mental Health and Culture, Identity, Social Justice, Counselor Training, and Professional Ethics

Selected publications:

• Humeidan, M. & Quirke, P. (2014). DREAM Management: Empowering Students through Leadership Training. Perspectives on Student Leadership Development. TESOL: Dubai.

• Humeidan, M. (2011). Cultural and Contextual Issues when Counseling Muslim Students at University Counseling Centers. In S. Ahmed & M. Amer (Eds). Counseling Muslims: A Mental Health Handbook (pp 208-245) Routeledge: London.

• Rasheed, S., Lui, W., & Humeidan, M. (2004). Islam 101: Understanding the Religion and Therapy Implications. Professional PsychologyResearch and Practice, 35, 635-642.

• Humeidan, M. (2002). Counseling self-efficacy, supervisory working alliance, and social influence in supervision (Doctoral dissertation, Ball State University, 2002). Dissertation Abstracts International, 96.
