Hyperspectroscopy Laboratory


Spectro Goniometer

Model - Spectral evaluation


Range - 350 - 2500 nm 

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Description and features

Spectro goniometer are advanced instruments used in mineralogy and planetary science to analyze the composition, crystal structure, and optical properties of minerals and planetary surfaces.


  • Analyzing mineral composition and crystal structure
  • Identifying minerals based on unique spectral signatures
  • Studying planetary surface composition and geological features
  • Creating geological maps and aiding in planetary exploration
  • Conducting remote sensing and understanding planetary evolution


 Model- Phenospex HS5000

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Description and features 

Phenospex’ PlantEye is a unique plant sensor combining the strength of 3D vision with the power of multispectral imaging. It captures plants non-destructively and delivers 20+ precise and objective plant parameters readily available in real time after each scan. The software HortControl enables experiment setup in which metadata such as genotypes and treatments are stored along with the parameters. This data can then be easily aggregated and visualized based on the metadata. The aggregated data can be downloaded and shared, facilitating collaboration and data sharing. PlantEye is integrated in phenotyping products like FieldScan, TraitFinder and MicroScan for automated data collection. The data is ready to be exported and shared. All products are able to run multiple experiments simultaneously. 


Phenospex’ technology has a wide range of applications.

Our tools are primarily used by clients for plant phenotyping applications such as:

  • Screening plants for abiotic and biotic stress resilience
  • Genotype screening
  • Nutrient and water use efficiency screening
  • Disease screening and quantification
  • Herbicide screening
  • Biostimulant / Ag product screenings
  • Germination assays
  • AI modeling