2005, Dr. rer. oec., University of Wuppertal
Teemu joined Zayed University in January 2024. Previously, he held academic positions at the UAE University, Aalto University (Finland), and Newcastle University (UK), among others.
Teemu has published more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including many in top-rated (Financial Times 50) journals. He is an editorial member of leading entrepreneurship field journals such as Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Venturing, and International Small Business Journal).
Additionally, Teemu has provided consultancy to national ministries and supra-national organizations such as the OECD, ILO, and Eurostat on entrepreneurship policy issues. He has also held various service roles at universities, including department chair and vice dean.
Dubai Academic City, Dubai F-L2-011
+971 4 402 1340
Email: Areas
Entrepreneurship, management
Research and Professional Activities
Partanen, J., A. Tenhiälä, T. Kautonen, M. Jokela, D. Lerner and A. McKelvie (2024). Knocking on heaven’s door? High-growth entrepreneurship, health risks and mortality. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, forthcoming.
Kautonen, T., A. Soto-Simeone and E. Kibler (2024). Unpacking the relationship between sense of place and entrepreneurs’ wellbeing. Small Business Economics,
Chliova, M., G. Cacciotti and T. Kautonen (2023). Do they mind the gap? The role of founders in organizational pay dispersion. Business & Society, Vol. 63 No. 2, pp. 415-451,
Obschonka, M., I. Pavez, T. Kautonen, K. Salmela-Aro, E. Kibler and J. Wincent (2023). Job burnout and work engagement in entrepreneurs: How the psychological utility of entrepreneurship drives healthy engagement. Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 38 No. 2, 106272,
Schillebeeckx, S.J.D., T. Kautonen and H. Hakala (2022). To buy green or not to buy green: Do structural dependencies block ecological responsiveness? Journal of Management, Vol. 48 No. 2, pp. 472-501,