
2019, MA in Teaching International Languages, California State University


Ms. Torres is a dedicated instructor with over 7 years of experience within the GCC, having taught various ages and levels in countries such as Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. While studying at California State University Chico in the USA, Ms. Torres spent significant time studying at Académie d'Aix-Marseille in French Linguistics, obtaining her BA in French Studies, Linguistics, and a minor in European Studies. She has an MA in Teaching International Languages and has a Graduate TESOL used to promote English for Academic Purposes in Higher Education across the Middle East. As she speaks over 4 languages and has studied over thirteen, she is well-versed in language learning and teaching. New to the CIS department, she is an instructor for Expressive Clarity and Critique and Communication dedicated to the expansion of critical thinking and academic writing at ZU.


Dubai Academic City, F-L2-022


+971 4 402 1313

Teaching Areas

Applied Linguistics 

Research and Professional Activities

Research interests include AI in Language Learning, Tutor theory, task-based teaching, and culture and language. 
