Associate Professor

Ph.D. (2005) Faculte Polytechnique De Mons (Mons, Belgium)


Baris Bozkurt received his Ph.D. (2005) from Faculte Polytechnique De Mons (Mons, Belgium), M.Sc.(2000) and B. Sc. from Bogazici University (Istanbul, Turkey). Following his Ph.D., he worked as a researcher in Svox AG, Zurich, University of Crete (Heraklion), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) and various universities in Turkey lecturing in signal processing and programming. His research interests include speech and music signal processing and computational musicology.


Dubai Academic City, E-L2-007


+971 4 402 1188

Teaching Areas

Audio signal processing, computational musicology

Research and Professional Activities

Automatic assessment of student rhythmic pattern imitation performances, B Bozkurt, O Baysal, Digital Signal Processing, 2023

Co-teaching computer science across borders: Human-centric learning at scale, C Piech, L Yan, L Einstein, A Saavedra, B Bozkurt, E Sestakova, O Guth, Proc. of the 7th ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 103-113, 2020

A study of time-frequency features for CNN-based automatic heart sound classification for pathology detection, B Bozkurt, I Germanakis, Y Stylianou, Computers in Biology and Medicine 100, 132-143, 2018

Computational analysis of Turkish makam music: Review of state-of-the-art and challenges, B Bozkurt, R Ayangil, A Holzapfel, Journal of New Music Research 43 (1), 3-23, 2014

A comparative study of glottal source estimation techniques, T Drugman, B Bozkurt, T Dutoit, Computer Speech & Language 26 (1), 20-34, 2012
