Anke Reichenbach
Associate Professor - Assistant Chair, International Affairs and Social Sciences Department
- Email:
- Telephone: +9714 402 1383
- Address: Dubai Academic City, C-L1-010
Habilitation in Anthropology (2007) University of Leipzig, Germany.
PhD in Anthropology (2000) University of Leipzig, Germany.
MA in Anthropology and Middle East Studies (1996) University of Leipzig, Germany.
Research and Professional Activities
Research interests:
Ethnography of Middle East, Gulf Ethnography,
Urban Anthropology, Heritage and Identity, Popular Culture, Anthropology of the Emotions, Anthropology of Humor and Laughter, Ethnorhetorics
Current Projects: Between Longing and Belonging: Dancing Argentine Tango in Dubai (Research Cluster: Emotional Dimensions of Urban Living: Portraits of Life in Dubai)
Teaching Areas
Undergraduate courses:
Geography: People, Places and Power
Senior Seminar: Key Issues of Modernity
Social and Economic Trends in the Gulf
Introduction to Culture and Society
The City: Culture, Place, Sustainability
World Cinema: The Cinemas of the Arab World
Popular Culture
Comparative Sociology
Qualitative Research Methods
Bedouin Society
World Regions: The Middle East
Politics of Identity
Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East
Reichenbach, Anke, 2016, “Gender, Nationality and Public Space: the Case of Emirati Women in Dubai.” In: Yildiz Ecevit (ed.) International Conference on Knowledge and Politics in Gender and Women’s Studies. Ankara: Gender and Women’s Studies, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University, pp. 1-8.
Reichenbach, Anke, 2016, “Zwischen Reiz und Risiko. Zur weiblichen Konstruktion urbaner Räume in Dubai” [Between Excitement and Danger. On Female Constructions of Urban Space in Dubai]. In: Andrea Fischer-Taher & Katharina Lange (eds.) Ethnographien des Wandels im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika [Ethnographies of Change in the Middle East and North Africa]. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp. 137-160.
Reichenbach, Anke, 2021, Sweet Tongues: The Rhetoric of Politeness in Damascus. In: Jon Abbink & Shauna LaTosky (eds.) Rhetoric and Social Relations. Dialectics of Bonding and Contestation. Studies in Rhetoric and Culture Vol. 8, Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 205-232.Reichenbach, Anke & Najla Ibrahim, 2019, “Pulling At Our Heartstrings”: Emirati-Themed Leisure Venues as Places of Belonging. In: Urban Anthropology 48 (1, 2): 129-182.
Reichenbach, Anke & Najla Ibrahim, 2019, “Pulling At Our Heartstrings”: Emirati-Themed Leisure Venues as Places of Belonging. In: Urban Anthropology 48 (1, 2): 129-182.