
2010, Post Doctorate degree University of Arizona. USA. Postdoctoral Research Associate.

2009, Ph.D. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Learning Disabilities.

2003, M.A. The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. Special Education.

1999, B.A. The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. Special Education.


Dr. Abu-Hamour is a Full Professor in the Department of Education Studies at Zayed University, U.A.E, Abu Dhabi. His main area of research interest is developing assessment and evaluation tools of reading, writing, math, and cognitive abilities. Specifically, he is interested in exploring cognitive abilities for students with special needs, applied measurement and assessment with an emphasis on validity analysis, and standardizing cognitive and achievement tests. Recently, Dr. Abu-Hamour has published thirty-six research articles, one book, and two book chapters related to learning disabilities, psychological testing, and inclusive education. He is the first Arab researcher who has a published chapter in American Psychological Association (APA) Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology. In addition, Dr. Abu-Hamour is the Principle Investigator of six International Funded Projects ($1,426,932 Grants) to help people with disabilities, and students with special needs in inclusive education. Finally, Dr. Abu-Hamour was the organizer and keynote speaker for several international conferences that addressed assessment in inclusive education, and the needs of students/people with disabilities.


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02 599 3141

Research and Professional Activities

Mather, N., & Abu-Hamour, B. (2013). Individual assessment of academic achievement. APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology. 3,101-128.

Abu-Hamour, B., Urso, A., & Mather, N. (2011). Falling through the cracks: An adolescent with a severe reading disability. Comprehensive evaluations: Case reports for psychologists, diagnosticians, and special educators (pp. 491-508). Hoboken, NJ: John.

Abu-Hamour, B., Urso, A., & Mather, N. (2013). The Application of standardized assessments and CBM measures in a case study of a student with a severe reading disability. Reading & Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties. 29 (1), 44-63.


 Abu-Hamour, B. (2013). A pilot study for standardizing Rapid Automatized Naming and Rapid Alternating Stimulus Tests in Arabic. Journal of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, 1(2), 64-85.  

Abu‐Hamour, B. (2014). Using Arabic Word Identification Fluency to Monitor First‐grade Reading Progress. Dyslexia20(2), 167-174.


Abu-Hamour, B., Al Hmouz, H., & Kenana, M. (2013). The effect of short vowelization on CBM reading fluency and comprehension in Arabic. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 18 (2), 181-197.


Abu-Hamour, B., & Al-Hmouz, H. (2014). Special education in Jordan. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 29, 105–115.

Abu-Hamour, B., & Al Hmouz, H. (2016). Prevalence and pattern of learning difficulties in primary school students in Jordan. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 21(2), 99-113.


Abu-Hamour, B. (2018). The cognitive profiles of Jordanian students at risk for math disability. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22(10), 1093-1107.

Abu-Hamour, B., & Al Hmouz, H. (2018). Cattell-Horn-Carroll broad cognitive ability profiles for dyslexia and intellectual disability. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-17.

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