Ahmad Aljanadbah

Assistant Professor - ARA030 Course Coordinator

After graduating from the University of Jordan with a M.A degree in Teaching Arabic for Non-Native speakers in 2009, I worked for seven years as an Arabic instructor  in  several universities such UW Madison in USA, and University of Jordan language center, before I joined ZU in 2015 as assistant professor in Arabic language department.

Roles and Responsibilities

Previous: Chair of Assessment Committee (2017).

Current: Assistant Professor in Arabic department in college of humanities and social sciences


Ph.D: “In Arabic linguistics studies, World Islamic University in Jordan. Awarded 2015.
BA: Arabic Language& literature, University of Jordan, 2005.

Chair of Assessment Committee (2017).1999-2001:


Achieved Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy through the Innovative Teaching.

ACTFL member and "OPI Testers with Full Certification.


Arabic and English

Informal Interests

  • Reading Arabic literature.
  • Foreign languages – teaching & learning process-.
  • General Linguistics and cultures studies.

Research and Professional Activities

Students' perceptions and attitudes towards bilingual education institutions Zayed University case study.


Current Projects:

Translanguaging, and Bilingual education& bilingualism.


Arabic for Non-Native learners, applied linguistics, comparative studies with Arabic and English.

Teaching Areas

-          Arabic concept ARA  130.

-           Arabic for heritage learners’ 030.

-          Advanced Arabic writing ARA 345.

-          Arabic for Non- Native ARA NL 030.


Aljanadbah,A(2020) Promise Act: Mechanisms of Production and Performance for L2 Arabic learners, "Advanced Level", A Comparative Study. Kuwait University- Arab Journal for the humanities Vol 40,Issue 153.

Al Janadbah, A :Book review  (2019) Language Policy and Language Planning in Arab Countries published in King Abdullah bin abed al Azez center for Arabic language- Language policy and planning online Journal, Issue 10 .

Al Janadbah, Ahmad:  (2019)Students' perceptions and attitudes towards bilingual education institutions Zayed University case study.

Al Janadbah, A.:  (2018) The written errors in Arabic language done by non-specialize at Zayed University “Analytical Field Study” published in Dirassat Journal, University of Jordan.

Al Janadbah A,:  (2018)Phonological stress in the Arabic language: a computational case study “on pattern Af ‘al case study. Published in JOSHA Journal in German .

Al Janadbah, A:  (2017) “Teaching Second Language Skills through the Communicative Approach.Published in Language and literature Journal, Algeria .