Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
The major of International studies offers a combination of knowledge of disciplinary fields with practical knowledge, thus develops the foundation for careers in public and community service, diplomacy, the private and public sector, and graduate studies in the humanities and the social sciences.
Students who major in IS understand the dynamic nature of the globalization of societies, their institutions, problems and opportunities and can most competently advance effective social, economic, and political developments.
Students are offered a chance to specialize in one of following three concentrations (total 21 credits) after completing at least 57 credit hours of core courses.
Concentrations in:
International Relations (IS):
The concentration in International Relations (IR) offers students an in- depth appreciation of the central issues in foreign policy, and the complex web of interactions among and between states and international organizations in a post hegemonic and multi-color world.
In the concentration of IS, students explore the International Law and World Politics, Principles of International Relations, International Relations in Gulf Region, Foreign Relations of the United States, Foreign Policy of Emrerging Powers, and World Regions.
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Middle East/Gulf Studies (MEG):
The Concentration in Middle east and the Gulf (MG) is aimed at students keen to focus on the history, cultural heritage, politics, and peoples who live in this diverse part of the world, and their attempts to respond to the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
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Political Economy and Development (PED):
The concentration in Political Economy and Development (PE) adopts a comparative perspective on the drivers of development, modernization. economicsustainability, and globalization, as well as their impact on societies and the environment.
In the concentration of PED, students explore the Cities: Culture, Space, Sustainability, Comparative Social Policy, The Politics of Oil, Development and Underdevelopment or Issues in National Development, International Political Economics, The State, Society, and the Economy and one world region.
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Bachelor of Science in Education (Early Childhood Education).
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