The Culture of Violence in the Arab World
02 Mar 2017Dr. Hassanein Ali will give the next lecture in the 'Lecture Series Program' in Dubai Thursday 2nd March. 2017 during the common break 12:30 to 1:30 in RL-1-93.
Title: “The Culture of Violence in the Arab World”
The Arab world is one of the areas of the world that has most suffered, and still does from the spread of political violence and terrorism since the fifties of the twentieth century. Currently, there are civil wars and armed clashes taking place in many Arab countries, such as Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia. Also, various acts of political violence and terrorism are taking place in other Arab countries but to a lesser degree.
The wide spread of various forms of political violence in many Arab countries has contributed to the creation and consolidation of a system of values, ideas, beliefs and attitudes that justify the use of violence in political process. This formed what is known as the "Culture of Political Violence". It is a subculture which enhanced the practice of violence in the political sphere, along the lines of other subcultures and practices, like the "Culture of Corruption", and the " Culture of Poverty".
The lecture will highlight the political violence phenomenon in the Arab world from the "Culture of Political Violence" conceptualization. It will cover three interrelated points. First, the main features of the "Culture of Political Violence". Second, the main sources which lead to the creation of this culture, and to its continuity, and consolidation in Arab political arena. Third, the possibilities of dismantling this culture, and the deployment of a "Culture of Democracy" and that of "Tolerance" and diversity.
Short bio:
Dr. Hassanein Ali is a professor at the Department of Islamic World Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Zayed University. His research interests include: Gulf affairs, Civil society, Democratization, Political Violence, and Islamic Movements in the Arab world. He has written several books, book chapters, monograph, and journal articles.
His list of publications includes: Political Violence in the Arab Political Systems, The Political System and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, The State and Development in Egypt, The Culture of Political Violence in the Arab World, Political Reform in the GCC States, Civil Society and Democratic Development in Egypt, Civil Society in the GCC States, Civil Society in the UAE, New Trends in Studying Arab Political Systems, Terrorist Jihadist Organizations and Social Media: Islamic State’s Social Media Strategy as a Case Study, Islamists and Power in the “Arab Spring” States: Between Policy and Violence.
He has been the recipient of many awards, including: The first Award in Human Studies, granted by Dr. Suad al-Sabbah’s Competition for Arab Youth (1992), the Egyptian State Award in Political Science (2006), The First Arab Award in Social Sciences and Humanities (2011-2012), granted by the Qatar-based Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.