Prospective Students
Welcome Prospective Students
The curriculum followed by students who major in the College of Communication and Media Sciences broadly educates them in the arts, humanities, social sciences and applied sciences, as well as in the professional crafts of written, oral and visual communication. Students are well-prepared to put words, visuals, and sound together in ways that are meaningful, effective, aesthetically pleasing and interesting in traditional and social media.
Students in the College of Communication and Media Sciences develop strong skills in written and oral communication in Arabic and English Instruction in the College’s courses is primarily in English. To strengthen Arabic communication skills, students are required to take four additional Arabic courses that include courses in media writing, public speaking and media translation.
Courses and co-curricular activities of the College of Communication and Media Sciences emphasize development of leadership skills as well as analytical and technical skills. Students must master the use of leading-edge technologies to communicate creatively and effectively. Each student uses a laptop or other forms of digital devices to access, create, and submit class assignments, to read e-books, to conduct Internet searches, and to communicate with instructors and fellow students. The specialized visual communication and multimedia technology in the College’s computer laboratories and the du Multimedia Labs and television studios are state-of-the-art.
All majors take courses in Media Storytelling, Digital Storytelling Applied Media Research and Analysis, Public Speaking and Persuasion, and Internship.
Rather than focusing on one form of communication, students study a variety of digital media technologies, including audio, video, web, multi-media, and print. It is important for students to apply classroom instruction to the real work of creating media products, developing strategic communication campaigns and materials for clients, developing communication strategies and tactics for the government, the private sector, or non-profit organizations, and applying skills in the production of visual messages or converged media.
The academic program follows the model of programs accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (ACEJMC) and the International Advertising Association (IAA). This ensures a broad liberal arts education and depth in understanding and applying professional principles, skills, and competencies. This model makes Zayed University’s Communication and Media Sciences program unique to the United Arab Emirates and to the Middle East.