
Dr. Abu-ElSamen is a Professor in Marketing and specialized in Business Data Mining. Amjad earned his PhD in marketing from Oklahoma State University in 2009. Amjad served as the Chair of Marketing Department and Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies at the University of Jordan from 2010 till 2013. He joined Zayed University in 2014, and served as Graduate Programs Director from 2015 till 2019.

Dr. Amjad research focuses on brand equity, enhancing customers’ experience and firm performance. His research has appeared in leading marketing journals such as Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Journal of Product and Brand Management, and Journal of Internet Commerce.

Dr. Amjad has taught a wide variety of courses at both graduate and undergraduate levels. His experience is witnessed in teaching the executive master programs for Missouri State University, Heriot-Watt University, German Jordanian University as well as Zayed University. Additionally, he supervised several theses and served as external examiner at numerous places.

Dr. Amjad successfully managed several research projects in the field of churn analysis, retail measurement science, interactive shopping. He holds SAS predictive modeling certification, received the SAS data-mining certificate and won an international tournament in modelling and data mining.


Abu Dhabi South Campus, MF 2 034



Teaching Areas

Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Brand Management, Data Mining

Research and Professional Activities

  • Abu ELSamen, Amjad and Mamoun Akroush, (2011)" Path Analysis of the Consequences of Customer Service Skills: An Exploratory Study", International Journal of Service and Standards Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 50-76.
  • Abu ELSamen, Amjad (2011)” Examining the Construct Validity of the Lockwood Goal Orientation Scale Using the General Hierarchal Model: An Exploratory Study", Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol.12, No. 4, pp.81-94
  • Abu ELSamen, Amjad, Mamoun Akroush and Bayan N. Abu-Lail (2013)” Mobile SERVQUAL: A Comparative Analysis of Customers' and Managers’ Perceptions" International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Vol 30, No. 4
  • Abu ELSamen, Amjad, (2015),” Online Service Quality and Brand Equity: The Mediational Roles of Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction” Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol. 14, No. (4), pp. 509-530
  • Abu ELSamen, Amjad and Rund Hiyasat (2017),” Beyond the Random Location of Shopping Malls: A GIS Perspective in Amman, Jordan,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Service, Vol. 34, pp. 30-37
  • Abu ELSamen, Amjad and Mamoun N. Akroush (2018), "How customer orientation enhances salespeople’s performance? A case study from an international market", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp., 1-20.
  • Adly, Mohamed, and Amjad Abu ELSamen. (2018),” Guest-Based Hotel Equity: Scale Development and Validation,” Journal of Product and Brand Management.

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