Dr. Rwan's four top tier journal articles
01 Dec 2020
This was a remarkably impactful year for our colleague Dr. Rwan El-Khatib, Associate Professor of Finance, who received 4 paper acceptances in top tier journals. Dr. El-Khatib along with her co-authors Dr. Ahmed Elnahas, Dr. Ghada Ismail, and Dr. M. Kabir Hassan achieved a significant milestone in the area of Islamic Finance with the acceptance of their paper entitled “ Islamic labeled firms: Revisiting Dow Jones measure of compliance” in the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. Her other paper in Islamic finance, co-authored with Dr. Hafezali Hussain, Dr. Mohsin Ali, and Dr. M. Kabir Hassan entitled “Asymmetric capital structure speed of adjustment, equity mispricing and Shari’ah compliance of Malaysian firms” is forthcoming in the International Review of Economics & Finance. Moreover, Dr. El-Khatib continues with her passion for empirical corporate finance and pursues the interesting and rapidly growing area of social networks and was successful in attaining an acceptance at the Financial Review for her paper entitled “Network centrality, connections, and social capital: Evidence from CEO insider trading gains” co-authored with Dobrina Jandik and Tomas Jandik, in addition to an acceptance at the Quarterly Journal of Finance for her paper entitled “ Do women directors improve firm performance and risk in India?" co-authored with Nishi Joy.
Links to online versions of the accepted papers: