Professor - Management
  • PhD University of Southampton, UK (2014)
  • MA University of East Anglia, UK (2017)
  • MBA Nottingham Trent University, UK (1999)

Dr Graham Manville is a Professor in Management in the College of Business, Zayed University based on the Abu Dhabi campus.

He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Certified Management Consultant, a Member of the Chartered Management Institute and an Incorporated Engineer since 1993. His PhD is in strategic performance management.

His past industry and management consulting experience coupled with a 20-year academic career enables him to deliver teaching in Entrepreneurship, Management Consulting and Strategy that leads to excellent graduate outcomes for his students. He has also published collaboratively with several of his students at UG, MSc and MBA levels in peer reviewed international journals and conferences at every university he has taught at.

Graham is passionate about work integrated learning and authentic assessment whilst maintaining strong academic rigor. Graham’s subject matter expertise is focused on entrepreneurship and strategy in SMEs and hybrid organizations to improve business performance. He also has a track record of publishing with business leaders in North America and the United Kingdom. Graham has been an external examiner at six UK universities including: University of Greenwich (2005-2009), Kings College University, London (2008-2012), Glasgow Caledonian University (2010-2014), University of Northampton (2014-2018), University of Surrey (2015-2019) and currently external examiner of the University of Kent.

During the course of his career, Graham has established and maintains a considerable international teaching and research network of collaborative academics in leading universities in the UK, Europe, New Zealand, Australia and the Middle East which has delivered impactful research outputs in the high-ranking CABS and ABDC journals.

His research and practice informed scholarship has won awards in several of the leading business conferences and research bodies including: The British Academy of Management (BAM), The European Academy of Management (EURAM), Emerald Literati outstanding paper award, Innovate UK Best Knowledge Transfer Partnership award, A Centre for Management Consulting Excellence (CMCE) Management Consulting (Finalist) & an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Early Career Researcher (finalist). He has externally examined several PhD vivas all successfully defended.

As a former Director of Employability, he has led, developed and executed a strategy that has seen transformative change to make Norwich Business School among the top 20 business schools in the UK for graduate outcomes. As Director of Innovation he has led on developing an annual portfolio of business breakfast and evening receptions that promoted engagement impact and showcased subject matter expertise of faculty within Norwich Business School.

During his academic career he has secured £300K of research, teaching and enterprise income.


Abu Dhabi - Khalifa City, MF-2-2-053



Teaching Areas

Strategic Management

Research and Professional Activities

Corporate Performance Management, Balanced Scorecards, Performance Coaching.


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Journal Articles

  1. Donald, W. E., Van der Heijden, B. I., & Manville, G. (2024). (Re) Framing sustainable careers: toward a conceptual model and future research agenda. Career Development International.

  2. Wainwright, T., & Manville, G. (2023) Evolving market infrastructures: the case of financialization in UK social housing, Economic Geography (In Press) (CABS 4/ABDC A)

  3. Manville, G., & Greatbanks, R. (2023). Institutional isomorphism and performance management: exploring the linkage and relationship in English social housing. Housing Studies, 1-28. (ABDC A)

  4. Karatas-Ozkan, M., Ibrahim, S., Ozbilgin, M., Fayolle, A., Manville, G., Nicolopoulou, K., ... & Tunalioglu, M. (2023). Challenging the assumptions of social entrepreneurship education and repositioning it for the future: Wonders of cultural, social, symbolic and economic capitals. Social Enterprise Journal, 19(2), 98-122. (CABS 1/ABDC C)

  5. Manville, G., Donald, W. E., & Eves, A. (2022). Can embedding authentic assessment into the curriculum enhance the employability of business school students? GiLE Journal of Skills Development, 2(2), 73-87.

  6. Ojiako, U., Bititci, U., Marshall, A., Chipulu, M., Manville, G., Muthalagu, S. J., & Farrington, T. (2022). Ambiguity in performance management systems of complex multi-stakeholder organisations. Production Planning & Control, 1-21. (CABS 3/ABDC A)

  7. Manville, G., Papadopoulos, T., & Garengo, P. (2021). Twenty-first century supply chain management: a multiple case study analysis within the UK aerospace industry. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(7-8), 869-885. (CABS2/ ABDC C)

  8. Valente, C. & Manville, G. (2021). Rethinking the Top-Line and Realignment of the Bottom-Line in a Post-Covid Landscape. Management Consulting Journal. 14-18.

  9. Manville, G., & Greatbanks, R. (2020). Performance management in hybrid organisations: A study in social housing. European management journal, 38(3), 533-545. (ABDC B)

  10. Manville, G., Karakas, F., Polkinghorne, M., & Petford, N. (2019). Supporting open innovation with the use of a balanced scorecard approach: a study on deep smarts and effective knowledge transfer to SMEs. Production Planning & Control, 30 (10-12), 842-853. (ABDC A)

  11. Newman, A., Neesham, C., Manville, G., & Tse, H. (2018). Examining the influence of servant and entrepreneurial leadership on the work outcomes of employees in social enterprises. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29 (20), 2905-2926. (ABDC A)

  12. Wainwright, T., & Manville, G. (2017). Financialization and the third sector: Innovation in social housing bond markets. Environment and Planning A, 49(4), 819-838. (ABDC A*)

  13. Manville, G., Greatbanks, R., Wainwright, T., & Broad, M. (2016). Visual performance management in housing associations: a crisis of legitimation or the shape of things to come? Public Money & Management, 36 (2), 105-112. (ABDC A/B)

  14. Ojiako, U., Manville, G., Zouk, N., & Chipulu, M. (2016). Social cohesion and interpersonal conflicts in projects. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Management, Procurement and Law, 169 (2), 77-84.

  15. Nicolopoulou, K., Lucas, I., Tatli, A., Karatas-Ozkan, M., A. Costanzo, L., Özbilgin, M., & Manville, G. (2015). Questioning the Legitimacy of Social Enterprises through Gramscian and Bourdieusian Perspectives: The Case of British Social Enterprises. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 6. pp. 161-185 (ABDC B)

  16. Manville, G and Broad, M (2013). Changing times for charities: performance management in a third sector housing association, Public Management Review, 15, (7), 992-1010 (ABDC A)

  17. Parker, D., Downie, G. and Manville, G. (2012) Development of a community e-portal constellation: Queensland Smart Region Initiative, Electronic Journal of Ecommerce, 10 (1), 1-15

  18. Manville. G, Greatbanks. R, Krishnasamy. R and Parker. D (2012). Critical success factors for Lean Six Sigma programmes: A view from middle management. International Journal of Quality and Reliabiliy Management. 29, (1), 7-20 (ABDC B)

  19. Greatbanks. R, Elkin. G and Manville. G (July 2010). The use and efficacy of anecdotal performance reporting in the third sector. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 59, (6), 571-585 (ABDC B)

  20. Manville G. (2007) Implementing a balanced scorecard framework in a not for profit SME, International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management, Vol 56, No.2I, pp.162–169 (ABDC B). Emerald Literati Award, Outstanding Paper


  1. Manville, G, Mathias, O., & Campbell, J (2018) Management Consultancy Insights and Real Consultancy Projects. Edited Book, Routledge, ISBN Hardback: 978-1-4724-7929-7

  2. Manville, G and Greatbanks, R (2013). Third Sector Performance: Management and Finance in Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprises, Edited Book, Routledge, ISBN 978-1-4094-2961-6 for Hardback copies and 978-1-4094-2962-3 for E-Book copies.

  3. Manville, G and Beech, A. (2009). When Sam Met Angie: Balanced Scorecard for SMEs. Chichester: Kingsham Press. (ISSN: ISBN: 978-1-904235-63-8)

Book Chapters

  1. Donald, W. E., & Manville, G. (2023). Fostering career self-efficacy via mindfulness and life coaching: A positive psychology sustainable career framework. In W. E. Donald (Ed.), Establishing and Maintaining Sustainable Career Ecosystems for University Students and Graduates (pp. ahead-of-print). Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global

  2. Manville, G. and Chudasama, C. (2018) Applying Research Methods in Strategy Consulting, in Manville, G Matthias, O and Campbell, J (Eds). Management Consultancy: Insights and Real Consultancy Projects, Routledge.

  3. Rodway, O and Manville, G. (2018) Talent Management within XYZ Global Investment Bank, in Manville, G Matthias, O and Campbell, J (Eds). Management Consultancy: Insights and Real Consultancy Projects, Routledge.

  4. Knowles, B. and Manville, G. (2018) Consultants: The Custodians of Best Practice, in Manville, G Matthias, O and Campbell, J (Eds). Management Consultancy: Insights and Real Consultancy Projects, Routledge.

  5. Manville, G and Greatbanks, R (2013) The Financial Context for an Expanded Third Sector, in Manville, G and Greatbanks, R (Eds). Third Sector Performance: Management and Finance in Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprises, Routledge,

  6. Manville, G and Greatbanks, R (2013) Third Sector Funding Streams: The Big Society Bank, in Manville, G and Greatbanks, R (Eds). Third Sector Performance: Management and Finance in Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprises, Routledge,

  7. Greatbanks, R and Manville, G (2013) Anecdotal performance reporting: Can it provide sufficient confidence for third sector funding bodies? In Manville, G and Greatbanks, R (Eds). Third Sector Performance: Management and Finance in Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprises, Routledge,

  8. Knowles, B., Greatbanks, R. and Manville, G., (2013) Scorecards and Strategy Maps: Top Ten Factors in Performance Management in Manville, G and Greatbanks, R (Eds). Third Sector Performance: Management and Finance in Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprises, Routledge,

  9. Manville, G. and Burt, C. (2009). Developing a best practice model for performance measurement in the manufacturing sector: A performance measurement critique of a UK manufacturing organisation. In Gstraunthaler, T. and Messner, M. (Eds.), Performance in context - Perspectives from management research. Innsbruck University Press.


  • 2023 – Winner of the BAM Best Paper in the HRM SIG Track

  • 2021- Inducted as an Academic Fellow of the International Council for Management Consulting Institutes.

  • 2021 - Finalist in the Centre for Management Consulting Excellence Awards.

  • 2020 - Finalist in the Centre for Management Consulting Excellence Awards.

  • 2017 – Winner of the EURAM Best Paper in the Entrepreneurship Track

  • 2015 - Winner of BAM Best paper in the Operations, Supply Chain & Logistics Track

  • 2013 – Nominated for Outstanding Lecturer of the year at the University of Southampton

  • 2009 - Shortlisted Finalist - ESRC Michael Young Early Career Researcher Award 

  • 2008 - Winner - Emerald Literati Award – Outstanding Journal Article Award

  • 2008 - Winner - Best Knowledge Transfer Partnership Award – South West of England

  • 1993 – Incorporated Engineer with the Engineering

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