Professor of Practice
  • M.Phil. Financial Economics, The London School of Economics and Political Science

Joseph Smallman started teaching at Zayed University in the spring of 2017 after retiring from the private sector.  He established and served as the CEO of GMAC-RFC  Securities Europe and has worked at many of the international investment banks - Salomon Smith Barney, ANZ Bank and Tokyo-Mitsubishi Bank. Mr. Smallman is an expert in securitization, mortgage-backed securities and  small business loans. He served seven years as the co-chairman of the  European Securitisation Forum’s Market Standard and Practices subcommittee. His publications include “Residential Mortgage-Backed  Securities” published in Asset Securitisation and Synthetic Structures:  Innovations in the European Credit Markets, Edited by Rick Watson and  Jeremy Carter, Published by: Euromoney Books 2006. His MPhil thesis  provided a detailed study of cross-border securitization, focusing on the creation of multi-currency sterling-based mortgage-backed securities.


Abu Dhabi - Khalifa City


971 2 599 3870

Teaching Areas

Finance, CFA and Financial Accounting

Research and Professional Activities

Bloomberg Lab Development and CFA Training

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