  • B.A               St. Cloud State University (USA)
  • PhD.             University of Wyoming (USA) 

Dennis Olson is a Professor of Accounting and the Union National Bank Chair of Banking. He has previously taught economics, finance, and accounting in the US, Canada, Oman, UAE, New Zealand, Colombia, and Denmark.  He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Wyoming (USA), the CPA, CGA accounting designation from Canada, and the CLU and ChFC insurance and financial planning designations from the US. He has published in several high-quality academic journals, with the most cited article showing that showing that Islamic and conventional banks operate differently based on accounting ratios and financial statement data.  


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Teaching Areas

Financial accounting, investments, banking.

Research and Professional Activities

Refereed Articles

  • “Why are firms listed in one country and private in other countries? The role of industry structure, banking sector and legal system,” Journal of Corporate Finance, (2017), forthcoming. (with Jan Bartholdy). 
  • “Convergence in bank performance for commercial and Islamic banks during and after the Global Financial Crisis,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, (2017), forthcoming. (with Taisier Zoubi). 
  •  “Evolution of the Weekend Effect in US Markets,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 58, (November 2015), 56-63. (with Charles Mossman and Nan-Ting Chou).  
  •  “Do Portuguese Private Firms Follow Pecking Order Finance?” European Journal of Finance, Vol. 10-11, (August-September 2015), 848-866.  (with Jan Bartholdy and Cesario Mateus).  
  •  “The determinants of loan loss and allowances for MENA banks: Simultaneous Equation and Three-Stage Approaches,” Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 5 (1), (2014), p. 98-120. (with Taisier Zoubi). 
  •   “Efficiency and Bank Profitability in MENA Countries,” Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 12 (2), (April 2011), 94-110. (with Taisier Zoubi).   
  • “Volatility Forecasting Performance with VIX,” Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, (2009). (with Jorg Bley). 
  • “Asset Allocation with Differential Borrowing and Lending Rates,” International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 17 (4), (October 2008), 629-643(with Jorg Bley). 
  •  “Using Accounting Ratios to Distinguish between Islamic and Conventional Banks in the GCC Region,” International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 43 (1), (March 2008), 45-65. (with Taisier Zoubi).  
  •  “Conducting Event Studies on a Small Stock Exchange,” European Journal of Finance, Vol. 13, (April 2007), 227-252. (with Jan Bartholdy and Paula Peare).   
  • “An Analysis of Relative Return Behavior: REITs versus Stocks,” Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Vol. 9 (2), (2005), 71-88.  (with Jorg Bley). 
  • “Advising Potential Expat Clients: A Case Study,” Journal of Financial Planning, Vol. 18, (November 2004), 72-79.  (with Brent McCallum) 
  • “Have Trading Rule Profits in the Currency Markets Declined Over Time?” Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 28, (2004), 85-105.  
  • “Neural Network Forecasts of Canadian Stock Returns Using Accounting Ratios,” International Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 19, (2003), 453-465. (with Charles Mossman)   
  • “Cross Correlations and the Predictability of Stock Returns,” Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 20, (March 2001), 145-160. (with Charles Mossman)      
  • “Predictability of Canadian Stock Returns and Choice of Equity Portfolios,” Journal of Research in Finance, (Winter 1999).  (with Paul Brockman and Charles Mossman) 
  • “Nonparametric Statistical Tests for the Random Walk in Stock Prices,” Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 6, (1998), 27-36. (with Patricia Cerrito and Krzysztof Ostaszewski) 
  • “A Test of the Investor’s Daily Stock Ranking System,” Financial Review, Vol. 33, (May 1998), 161-176. (with John Nelson, Craig Witt, and Charles Mossman)   
  • “The Value of Fundamental Analysis for Canadian Stocks,” Canadian Investment Review, Vol. 10, (Fall 1997), 10-15.  (with Charles Mossman and Paul Brockman) 
  • “Estimating Functional Forms in Cost-Prices: Reply,” European Economic Review, Vol. 37, (August 1993), 1275-1277. (with Yeung-nan Shieh)  
  • “An Economic Performance Index for U.S. Cities,” Economic Development Quarterly, Vol. 5, (November 1991), 335-341. (with Paul Coomes 
  • “The Interindustry Employment Demand Variable: An Extension of the I-SAMIS Technique for Linking Input-Output and Econometric Models,” Environment and Planning A, Vol. 23, (1991), 1063-1068. (with Paul Coomes and Dennis Glennon)  
  • “Using a Metropolitan Area Econometric Model to Analyze Economic Development proposals,” Urban Studies, Vol. 28, (June 1991), 369-382. (with Paul Coomes and John Merchant)   
  • “Alaska’s Social Dividend,” Basic Income Research Group Bulletin, (February 1991), 3-6. (with J. Patrick O’Brien)   
  • “Using BEA and BLS Data to Monitor Metropolitan Area Economic Performance,” Journal of Economic and Social Measurement (1990), 1-17. (with Paul Coomes)    
  • “A Note on Transportation Rates and Location of the Firm in a Two-Dimension N-Input Space,” Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 30, (August 1990), 427-434. (with Yeung-nan Shieh)
  • “The Great Alaskan Money Give Away Program,” Economic Inquiry, Vol. 28, (July 1990), 604-615. (with J. Patrick O’Brien)  
  • “The Alaska Permanent Fund and Dividend Distribution Program,” Public Finance Quarterly, Vol. 18, (April 1990), 139-156. (with J. Patrick O’Brien)   
  • “Estimating Functional Forms in Cost-Prices,” European Economic Review, Vol. 33, (1989), 1445-1461. (with Yeung-nan Shieh)  
  • “On the Definition of Barriers to Entry,” Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 56, (July 1989), 236-239.  (with Babu Nahata)  
  • “Estimating Undisclosed Earnings Data,” Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 22, (March 1988), 84-90. (with John Weddleton) 
  • “An Economic Analysis of Factor Usage and Workplace Regulation--Clarification,” Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 53, (January 1987), 786-789. (with Yeung-nan Shieh 
  • “A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Improving Alaska’s Dalton Highway,” Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 22, (June 1986), 141-157.
  •  “The Robustness of Translog Elasticity Estimates and the Capital-Energy Complementarity Controversy,” Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 24, (Winter 1985), 21-35. (with James Jonish) 
  • “The Interregional Incidence of an Energy Production Tax,” International Regional Science Review, Vol. 9, (November 1984), 109-124.   
  • “An Intertemporal Analysis of the Welfare Cost of Monopoly Power,” Review of Industrial Organization, Vol. 1, (Winter 1984), 308-323. (with Donald Bumpass)   
  • “Taxation of Electricity Generation in New Mexico: Some Remaining Issues,” Natural Resources Journal Vol. 21, (August 1981), xi-xvi. (with James Jonish) 
  • “Neoclassical Growth Models and Regional Growth in the U.S.: A comment,” Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 21, (August 1981), 425-30.  [ABCD rank A] 
  • “Nonneutral Features of Energy Taxation,” Natural Resources Journal, Vol. 20, (October 1980), 856-76. (with William Morgan)

Other Publications

  •  “Do Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Match Their Assets and Liabilities? Evidence from Portugal,” International Journal of Business and Finance Research, Vol. 6 (4), (2012), p. 13 – 32.  (with Jan Bartholdy and Cesario Mateus). 
  • “Optimization, Temporary Inefficiencies, and Profitability of Technical Trading Rules in Currency Markets,” in Global Financial Markets: Issues and Policies, edited by Dilip Ghosh and Mohamed Arif (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press), 2004, p. 67-84. 
  •  “What’s the Value of Fundamental Analysis?” in The Advisor’s Guide to Financial Research, (Toronto: MacLean-Hunter Publishing), 2000. (with Paul Brockman and Charles Mossman) 
  •  Abstract of “What Constitutes a Fair Division of Shared Pension Benefits,” Journal of Forensic Economics, 1990. (with Otis Gilley) 
  • “A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Various Improvement Alternatives for the Dalton Highway,” report for the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, January 1986. 
  • “An Analysis of the Welfare Cost of Monopoly Power,” Atlantic Economic Journal, (anthology section), Vol. 12 (December 1984), 63.  (with Donald Bumpass) 
  • “The Structure of U.S. Energy Taxes--Federal, State and Local,” commissioned paper prepared for the National Academy of Science, 1979 (with William Morgan). Appendices I and II are published in A Taxonomy of Taxes (Washington, D.C.: National Research Council, National Academy of Science, 1979

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