18 May 2017The evening includes: drumming by Kharsha, a fashion show by students and alumni from Zayed University’s College of Arts and Creative Enterprises, pARTicipate an interactive spoken word performance by Rooftop Rhythms, on-going art workshops and a live performance by artists Rokni Haerizadeh, Ramin Haerizadeh, and Hesam Rahmanian ending with a DJ set by Basil Al Hadi, Hussein Karim, and Daniil Prutnik.
Guggenheim Abu Dhabi: Do Art, Do It Now! brings together ‘acts’ from visual art, theatre, fashion, poetry and music that reflects the themes and artworks in The Creative
Act: Performance, Process, Presence. Expect an evening that promises to be playful, interactive, and unpredictable.