Emily Winchip

Dr. Emily Winchip

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. (2019) – Educational Leadership and Policy Studies – University of Nottingham, UK.
M.Ed. (2014) - Master of Education in Educational Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Assessment – University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
B.M.E (2006) - Bachelor of Music Education – Western Illinois University, USA.


Dr. Emily Winchip is an Assistant Professor in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. In the department of education, she teaches courses about assessment and evaluation, classroom management, and is the university supervisor for students completing education fieldwork. Her research interest is education policy studies, particularly the work of teachers, and the effect of marketization of schools on teachers. She is interested in feminist quantitative research methods that develop statistical models based on the lived-experiences of people. Dr. Winchip completed her PhD at the University of Nottingham in 2019, researching the work of teachers in marketized schools. She holds a Masters of Education degree from the University of Illinois-Chicago in educational measurement, evaluation, statistics and assessment and a Bachelors of Music Education degree from Western Illinois University. Dr. Winchip is an experienced educator having previously taught music at international schools in Kuwait andDubai and public schools in Oregon, USA. 

Recent Publications

Winchip, E. (2022). Open for business: A quantitative analysis of teachers’ experiences of marketisation in international schools. Educational Review, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2022.2094343

Winchip, E. (2021). Teachers’ experiences of marketization in the United Arab Emirates. Gulf Education and Social Policy Review (GESPR), 91-108-91–108.

Winchip, E. (2020). The interplay of government, private funding and civil actors in the United Arab Emirates: Response to ‘private actors and public goods: A comparative case study of funding and public governance in K-12 education in 3 global cities.’ Journal of Educational Administration and History52(1), 120–123. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220620.2020.1724395

Winchip, E., Stevenson, H., & Milner, A. (2019). Measuring privatisation in education: Methodological challenges and possibilities. Educational Review, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2019.1524197

Emily Winchip