
Innovative Teaching Practice

The Innovative Teaching Practice certificate is designed to develop teaching strategies and techniques through a series of experiential workshops that target innovative teaching practices. The overall goal of the certificate is to enhance students’ learning. A variety of active learning strategies will be evaluated from a theoretical, pedagogical and practical standpoint for potential use at ZU. Participants will be able to practice these techniques in a safe environment and will receive peer-feedback on aspects of their teaching. Elements of reflective practice will be introduced as a method to improve teaching.  The certificate is tailored for discipline-specific instructors with classroom experience and is open to all ZU faculty.

By the end of this certificate, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and analyze ideas and theories around teaching and learning that inform teaching philosophy and instructional approaches.
  • Evaluate and use various active learning techniques to enhance students’ learning outcomes.
  • Participate in constructive peer-review to enhance learning and teaching practices.
  • Apply reflective practices.
  • Implement various discipline-appropriate strategies to create a rich learning environment.

Certificate Leader: Christina Davison (CJ)

Eventbrite - [test] ITP Certificate