Zayed University Applied Workshops (ZUAW)
These ZU Applied Workshops will focus you to apply your knowledge and skills to our ZU environment, courses, and students. Our university is unique so we need to be intentional in the design of blended or online courses to ensure the appropriate integration of pedagogy and technology. These workshops are underpinned by QM and each ZUAW will allow you to explore some key Quality Matters standards. Please see the current schedule for all ZU Applied Workshops.
All ZUAWs are short, week long workshops in which you will complete a range of online learning activities. Each workshop is roughly 3-5 hours across the duration of the week. Learning activities and the deliverable have firm deadlines so you need to plan ahead to ensure you keep up to date. On top of your normal workload, we ask you to only register for the workshop if you have sufficient time to commit to the completion of the ZU Applied Workshop.
For more information on ZUAWs, please see the following 4 minute video.
ZUAW video