Before you Arrive

This section outlines the details that must be addressed in preparation for your departure from your current home and arrival in the UAE.  And important documents required for visa processing for both you and your family members.

Documents to Send to HR

Luggage and Shipping

Visas and Sponsorships

Important Documents

Attesting Documents


Documents to Send to HR ASAP

There are essential documents that you must email (scanned copies), to the HR team on receipt of your offer and draft contract.  Plus there are several documents you must bring with you on your first day at ZU – Orientation This page outlines the critical documents that you need to send to HR and to organize in advance of your arrival:


Marriage Certificate

Birth Certificate (of your children)

Adoption/Custody Papers, Signed Letter from Father or Mother

Verification of Qualifications

Driving License.

What do I bring?

Click here for information and a checklist of important documents essential to facilitate your hiring, if relocating, and arrival.

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Important Documents

Before you arrive, it is essential you have all of the correct documents. The documents are needed to obtain a Residence Visa which will entitle you to work in the UAE and in turn allow you to sponsor your spouse and dependent children for residence in the UAE and, if desired, a domestic helper.

Family members who will not be residing with you in the UAE. do not need any of the documents below. They will simply be issued Visit Visas if, and when, they come to visit the UAE. Depending on your family's nationality, Visit Visas can be obtained upon arrival at the airport, or applied for ahead of the visit in which case a photocopy of the family member's passport will be required (Human Resources will help you with the application ).

Family members who will be residing with you in the UAE will be issued with Visit Visas if they travel with you to the UAE. Their residence visas will be processed after you receive your Residence Visa.

Below is a summary of the documents that you and your dependent family members will need. You may need one or more of the documents below. Read the following carefully and determine which documents apply to you and to your family (only if they will be residing with you in the UAE). For a detailed explanation of each, click on "More Info".

We recommend that you bring, with you on the airplane, attested copies and originals of important documents that you may need in future - this includes documents such as birth certificates, diplomas or degrees of the employee and family members, marriage certificates, drivers licenses, etc.  By having them here with you in the UAE., you have easy access should the need arise to present original or attested documents. Also, once you receive your Employment Visa (via Email) from the HR Department, be sure to print out a copy and carry it with you as it will be required upon arrival at the airport.

A. Passports

More Info

For the employee, spouse, and dependent children who will be residing with the employee in the UAE.

B. Marriage Certificate

More Info

For married employee whose spouse will be residing in the UAE

The original or a photocopy of the marriage certificate must be attested by a UAE Embassy.

NOTE:  Once you arrive in the UAE, you will be required to have your marriage certificate further attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and translated into Arabic. You will be responsible for these costs.

C. Birth Certificates

More Info

For dependent children who will be residing with the employee in the UAE.

The originals or photocopies of the birth certificates must be attested by a UAE Embassy.

NOTE  Once you arrive in the UAE, you will be required to have the birth certificates further attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and translated into Arabic. You will be responsible for these costs.

D. Adoption/
Custody Papers

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For dependent children who are adopted or whose parents are divorced.

Originals or photocopies of these documents must be attested by a U.A.E. Embassy and translated into Arabic. You will be responsible for these costs.

NOTE: Once you arrive in the UAE, you will be required to have the documents further attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and translated into Arabic.

Sole Custody

The original or a photocopy of the custody agreement must be attested by a UAE Embassy.

Joint Custody

A letter from the father/mother and endorsed by the employee must be attested by a UAE Embassy.


The original or a photocopy of the adoption papers must be attested by a UAE Embassy.

E. Signed Letter from the Father or Mother

More Info

For the female employee whose dependent children will reside in the UAE without the father or where joint custody of children exists.

A no objection letter from the father/mother must be attested by a UAE Consulate or Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the UAE

F. Verification of Qualification

More Info

For the employee.

The relevant academic and/or professional qualifications obtained by the employee must be forwarded directly to the Human Resources Department from the issuing institution.


G. Attestation of Diploma(s) or Degree(s) Held

For the employee & accompanying family members.

We recommend that you arrange for attestation of the employee's degree(s) and accompanying spouse or dependents and bring these documents with you to the UAE.

H. Driving License

More Info

For the employee and spouse who intend to drive in the UAE.

Bring your home country driving license with you if you intend to drive in the UAE.


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Attesting Documents

Be prepared! Start the attestation process early as it can take several months depending on your country of processing. We recommend that you attest all key documents before arrival and to bring the attested documents and originals (for easy access) in the event they are needed in future.

Don't be surprised if on arrival another step may be requested, such as translation into Arabic at a local typing center. Best to anticipate change and arrive with all important documents (originals and attested).

You may also wish to check the Web sites of the government offices and the UAE Embassy in your home country for further information. You will be responsible for taking the documents to the Ministry and for the cost of the attestations and translations. 

Documents in languages other than English or Arabic must be translated into English or Arabic prior to your arrival in the UAE.

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Visas and Sponsorships

Zayed University will sponsor you, the employee, for an Employment Visa and then a Residence Visa, but cannot sponsor family members. Family members are sponsored by the employee.

Once the necessary documents are forwarded to Zayed University, we will process the documents and you will enter the UAE on an Employment Visa. The Employment Visa is valid for sixty calendar days from the date of issue. We will email a copy of the Employment Visa to you prior to your departure so be sure to print out a copy and have it with you. 

When you arrive in the UAE with your required documents, the Department of Immigration can then process your Residence Visa. This usually takes up to 10 days. Human Resources will prepare the paperwork and file the application on your behalf. A Residence Visa entitles you to work in the UAE and is valid for three years. Once you have a Residence Visa and all of the necessary documents, you can sponsor your spouse and any dependent children who will be residing in the UAE. Again, Human Resources will prepare the paperwork and file the application on your behalf.

If your family members accompany you to the UAE, they can enter the UAE on a Visit Visa which will later be transferred to a Residence Visa. This usually takes up to eight weeks. If your family members arrive after you, it is best if they arrive after you have received your Residence Visa as their residence visas can then be processed prior to their arrival. This option saves the extra step and cost of converting a Visit Visa to a Residence Visa.




Once you arrive in the UAE on an Employment Visa, you cannot leave the country until your Residence Visa has been stamped in your passport.

Once family members arrive in the UAE on a Visit Visa, they cannot leave the country until their Residence Visas have been stamped in their passports. If family members need to leave the UAE before this time, they must advise Human Resources and we will delay the Residence Visa until their return to the UAE



Zayed University will pay the cost of the Employment Visa and the Residence Visa for the employee, and the Residence Visa and Visit Visa for the employee's spouse and up to three dependent children.

Extra costs associated with the lack of documentation will not be covered by Zayed University.

The employee is also responsible for all costs involved in certifying, notarizing, attesting and translating documents.

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Luggage, Shipping and Customs

You can use your normal airline luggage allowance to bring your personal possessions.

Shipments should be scheduled to arrive after you, as Zayed University is not authorized to clear shipments nor is it able to store items for you.

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Most pets, except birds and certain breeds of dog, are allowed into the UAE. However, please be warned that it might be very difficult to find housing units where pets are allowed. We cannot guarantee that you will be provided housing that permits pets. Landlords can be very specific about their requirements If you are thinking of bringing pets with you to the UAE , we advise that you do not transport your pet to the UAE initially.

Prior to making the decision to bring your pet with you, be sure to investigate the laws regarding pets.

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