جاستين جيبينز

استاذ مساعد- مساعد رئيس قسم الدراسات الدولية

PhD in International Relations (2013) University of Birmingham, UK.

MA in Social and Political Thought (1994) University of Sussex, UK.

BA (2.1) in Economics (1993) University of East London, UK.

Research and Professional Activities

Research interests:

International Relations Theory; Comparative Politics, International Organizations; The Politics of the European Union; British Politics; Self/Other Analysis; Discourse Analysis; State Power; National, Regional and State Identities

Current Projects: Beyond Values and Interests: The Anglo-America Special Relationship during the Syrian Conflict

Teaching Areas

List of courses taught in ZU: specify if undergraduate or graduate

Undergraduate courses:

Comparative Intellectual Traditions

Comparative Politics Systems

International Law and World Politics

International Organizations

Principles of International Relations

Introduction to Political Science

Politics of the European Union

Articles and Papers Presented:

Rostampour, S. and Gibbins, J. (2017). Self/ Other and Nation-State identities: The Case of the Special Relationship and the Syrian Conflict, paper presented at The 6th Euroacademia International Conference, Florence, Italy, June 22-24 2017. 

Gibbins, J. (2017) Power play: The United Arab Emirates’ new approach to geopolitics, Journal of Middle Eastern Politics and Policy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Available at: http://hksjmepp.com/united-arab-emirates-geopolitics/.