About Us1) What is ISEA? 3) What is ISEA’s definition of “electronic art”? 10) Where can i find out about other ISEAs? 11) Do I need a Visa to visit the UAE? 12) Will ISEA2014 be able to fund our project? 14) I am interested in volunteering for ISEA2014. Do you need volunteers for ISEA2014? Do you fund volunteers from abroad? 23) What is the most appropriate dress code in public for the UAE? 24) Is it safe for single women traveling to the UAE? 25) Are public displays of affection allowed in the UAE? 26) What happens if I am found in possession of illegal drugs? 28) What is the Religion in the UAE? 29) Can I practice my Religion in the UAE? 31) What is the local currency and it’s current value? 32) Can I use my Credit Card ort Debit Card in the UAE? 33) Do I have easy access to cash while in the UAE? 34) Are prices fixed or can I negotiate for discounts? 36) What is the cost of dining out? 37) When is the Weekend in the UAE? 38) Are there restrictions on Photography in the UAE? 39) Will people speak English? 40) Are there foreign Embassies in the UAE? 1) What is ISEA?ISEA is the International Symposium on Electronic Art – it is an annual event that moves around the world each year.
Australia Andorra Austria Brunei Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece |
Hong Kong Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malaysia Monaco Netherlands New Zealand |
Norway Portugal San Marino Singapore South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States of America The Vatican |
How do I obtain a Visa if I am required to get one?
You can apply for a visa at your local UAE Embassy. You can also obtain a visa if you fly with the UAE Airlines: Emirates or Eithad. Some hotels when booked will also arrange the visit visa for you.
More information on obtaining a visit visa: http://www.emirates.com/english/plan_book/essential_information/visa_passport_information/uae_visas.aspx
ISEA2014 is limited in what it can fund for projects, however it will assist artists with local logistics. Artists will be notified in what it can support...back to top.
Interested volunteers grouping with an artist are required to state their specific roles and duties in assisting the artist for further permission disclosing. Please send this request toisea2014_info@zu.ac.ae
Interested volunteers are welcomed to send their intentions to isea2014_info@zu.ac.ae . Unfortunately, due to limited funds we will not be able to fund the travel for volunteers. ...back to top.
No. You have the option to choose having a volunteer exhibiting your project. However, a prior acknowledgment on your absence must be disclosed. Passport copy of whoever is attending on your behalf should be sent by the artists to isea2014_info@zu.ac.ae
Limited installation assistance may be provided upon request. The artists is required to install his/her work. ...back to top.
Please refer to the Accommodation page. ...back to top.
The official UAE carriers are Emirates Airline, Etihad Airways and Fly Dubai. However we highly recommend you to check with your local travel agencies to secure the most appropriate airline for you....back to top.
Depending on the complexity of your installation, you should be present 1 to 3 days prior to the opening of the exhibition. A list of dates will be sent. Please request any update from isea2014_info@zu.ac.ae
...back to top.
Please send any requests related to registration to isea2014_registration@zu.ac.ae
....back to top.
The UAE has a sub-tropical, arid climate. Sunny blue skies and high temperatures can be expected most of the year. Rainfall is sporadic, falling mainly in winter (November to March) and averaging 12 cms per year in most of the emirate. November is one of the most pleasant times to visit, when temperatures are around 24C (75F) during the day and 13C (56F) at night. ...back to top.
Non-Muslim women are not expected to wear the Shaila (Headscarf). In fact, nobody is expected to wear the headscarf unless they wish to. ....back to top.
Lightweight summer clothing is suitable for most of the year, but something slightly warmer may be needed in winter months. Take a light jacket or sweater as the air conditioning can be quite cold in public transport, hotels, malls and in all indoor venues.
Although the attitude towards dress is fairly liberal throughout the Emirates, it is important to respect local customs, especially when at public venues such as the university, shopping, sightseeing etc. Short or tight clothing may be worn, but it will attract attention - most of it unwelcomed. Dress at the university must be conservative (skirts should not be too high above the knee and shoulders should not be exposed). Nightwear at western venues can be less conservative.
Swimming attire can only be worn on beaches or at swimming pools. Topless sunbathing is not allowed. ...back to top.
Yes, it is safe for single women to travel to the UAE. Many single women come to the UAE to visit, to live and to work. The UAE is one of the safest countries in the world. Everyone should take the same precautions that they would back home (like getting into cars with strangers, going into strangers homes etc.) ...back to top.
As in all Muslim countries, public displays of affection are considered disrespectful and may lead to a police caution or even arrest depending on its severity. ...back to top.
The penalties for drug trafficking, smuggling and possession, of even residual amounts of illegal drugs, are severe. Do not even consider taking in small amounts of drugs even for personal medicinal use. ...back to top.
If you hold a valid drivers licence you can rent a car in the UAE. This is a great opportunity to see the beautiful country and the other Emirates if you plan to stay after the conference. Please note that the driving can be erratic and fast on UAE roads, so if you are an uncomfortable driver, driving should be avoided. ...back to top.
Islam is the official religion of the UAE, and is widely practised. The Islamic holy day is Friday. Muslims are required to pray five times a day. The times vary according to the position of the sun, when the modern day call to prayer is transmitted through loudspeakers on mosque minarets. ...back to top.
The UAE is tolerant of other religions with people being free to practice their religious beliefs, so long as they do not interfere with Islam. There are places of worship for other religions in the UAE. ...back to top.
Non Muslims are restricted from entering mosques. Do not attempt to enter a mosque when you travel to the UAE. Non-Muslims can get an insight into Islam at the spectacular Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. It is important to cover legs, arms, and the head when visiting the mosque. They will provide a hair scarf if necessary. ....back to top.
The local currency is the UAE dirham (AED or Dhs) which is divided into 100 fils and is pegged against the US $ (US$ 1: AED 3.6725). ...back to top.
Most shops, hotels, restaurants accept major credit and debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc.). It is prudent to confirm acceptance of credit card or debit card payments with staff especially if there is no visible signage indicating acceptance of credit card payment at the store premises or the till/counter. ...back to top.
Most ATMs across the UAE bear the Visa, MasterCard, American Express Cirrus, Maestro or Plus logos, which means credit card owners can withdraw cash against their accounts from them. There are also many foreign exchange services in hotels and malls. ....back to top.
When offered a price at markets – especially if the price is not listed, make sure you ask (sometimes several times) for the “best Price.” Visitors can get quoted prices almost halved with some serious negotiation at markets, carpet shops or small shops. ....back to top.
There are endless choices of dining options in the UAE with cuisines from around the world. There is something for everyone in the UAE when it comes to food. ...back to top.
Average dining in popular hotel restaurants ranges between AED100 / US $27 to AED200 / US $55 per person, excluding beverages. Many fine dining and high-end restaurants may add a service charge (usually around 10%) and a tourism levy of 6% to your bill. These charges are often included in the menu prices and the menu will denote when they are. You may choose to reward your waiter directly with a tip – the usual 10-15%.
It is easy to find restaurants outside the glitzy hotels, where you can pay as low as AED 10/ $2-$3 US dollars for a hearty meal. ....back to top.
The Weekend in the UAE is Friday and Saturday, and the first day back to work (for most companies) is Sunday. There are, however, certain offices that remain open on Saturday too. ...back to top.
While normal tourist photography is acceptable, you should ask permission before taking photos of people, particularly women. Photographs of government buildings, military installations and ports and airports should not be taken. Also, cameras may be banned in public areas designated for women and children only. Pictures of female UAE students at the university should not be taken unless asked in advance. ...back to top.
Although Arabic is the official language in the UAE, English is widely spoken. Most business transactions in Abu Dhabi are conducted in English. ....back to top.
The UAE’s Capital houses many foreign embassies:
Country |
Telephone +971 2 |
Fax +971 2 |
Email address |
Afghanistan |
665 5560 |
665 5576 |
afgen555@emirates.net.ae |
Algeria |
444 8949 |
444 7068 |
emalgadhabi@hotmail.com |
Argentina |
443 6838 |
443 1392 |
embar@emirates.net.ae |
Australia |
634 6100 |
639 3525 |
info@abu-dhabi-diplo.de |
Austria |
676 6611 |
671 5551 |
abu-dhabi-ob@bmaa.gv.at |
Azerbaijan |
666 2848 |
666 3150 |
azembasy@emirates.net.ae |
Bahrain |
665 7500 |
667 4141 |
Bahrain1@emirates.net.ae |
Bangaladesh |
446 5100 |
446 4733 |
banglaad@emirates.net.ae |
Belarus |
445 3399 |
445 1131 |
belembas@emirates.net.ae |
Belgium |
631 9449 |
631 9353 |
abudhabi@diplobel.be |
Benin |
639 4665 |
639 4667 |
benin@emirates.net.ae |
Bosnia & Herzegovinia |
644 4164 |
644 3919 |
abhad@bhmc.ae |
Brazil |
632 0606 |
632 7727 |
abubrem@emirates.net.ae |
Brunei |
448 6999 |
448 6333 |
kbdauh98@emirates.net.ae |
Canada |
694 0300 |
694 0399 |
abdbi@dfaitmaeci.gc.ca |
China |
443 4276 |
443 6835 |
chnemb_ae@mfa.gov.cn |
Czech Republic |
678 2800 |
679 5716 |
azab@emirates.net.ae |
Egypt |
444 5566 |
444 9878 |
engemb_abudhabi@mfa.gov.eg |
Eritrea |
633 1838 |
634 6451 |
eriemb@emirates.net.ae |
Finland |
632 8927 |
632 5063 |
finemb@emirates.net.ae |
France |
443 5100 |
443 4158 |
contact@ambafrance.ae |
Germany |
443 5630 |
445 5712 |
info@abu-dhabi.diplo.ae |
Greece |
449 2550 |
449 2455 |
gremb.abd@mfa.gr |
Guinea |
665 3166 |
665 2531 |
ambagui@emirates.net.ae |
Hungary |
676 6190 |
676 6215 |
hungexad@emirates.net.ae |
India |
449 2700 |
4444 685 |
indiauae@emirates.net.ae |
Indonesia |
445 4448 |
445 5453 |
indoemb@emirates.net.ae |
Iran |
444 7618 |
444 8714 |
iranemb@emirates.net.ae |
Iraq |
665 5152 |
665 5214 |
adbem@iraqmofamail.net |
Ireland |
495 8200 |
6819233 |
embassyabudhabi@dfa.ie |
Italy |
443 5622 |
443 4337 |
italianembassy.abudhabi@esteri.it |
Japan |
443 5696 |
443 4219 |
embjpn@emirates.net.ae |
Jordan |
444 7100 |
444 9157 |
embjoad@emirates.net.ae |
Kazakhstan |
447 6623 |
447 6624 |
kazemb@emirates.net.ae |
Kenya |
666 6300 |
665 2827 |
kenyarep@emirates.net.ae |
South Korea |
443 5337 |
443 5348 |
keauhlee@emirates.net.ae |
Kuwait |
447 7146 |
447 7675 |
Lebanon |
449 2100 |
449 3500 |
libanamb@emirates.net.ae |
Libya |
445 0030 |
445 0033 |
sunnylib@eim.ae |
Malaysia |
448 2775 |
448 2779 |
mwadhabi@emirates.net.ae |
Mauritania |
446 2724 |
446 5772 |
Montenegro |
441 8901 |
441 8900 |
montenegrouae@mfa.gov.me |
Morocco |
443 3963 |
443 3917 |
sifmabo@emirates.net.ae |
Nepal |
634 4767 |
634 4469 |
nepemuae@emirates.net.ae |
Netherlands |
632 1920 |
631 3158 |
nlgovabu@emirates.net.ae |
Nigeria |
616 6219 |
616 6219 |
nigabh@eim.ae |
Norway |
621 1221 |
621 3313 |
noramb@emirates.net.ae |
Oman |
446 3333 |
446 4633 |
omanemb@emirates.net.ae |
Pakistan |
444 7800 |
444 7172 |
pakisuae@emirates.net.ae |
Palestine |
443 4652 |
443 4363 |
Philippines |
641 5922 |
641 2559 |
auhpe@emirates.net.ae |
Poland |
446 5200 |
446 2967 |
polcon99@emirates.net.ae |
Qatar |
449 3300 |
449 3311 |
Romania |
445 9919 |
446 1143 |
romaniae@emirates.net.ae |
Russia |
672 1797 |
678 8731 |
uaeruss@hotmail.com |
Saudi Arabia |
444 5700 |
444 8491 |
Senegal |
633 6929 |
633 6779 |
senabdi@emirates.net.ae |
Somalia |
666 9700 |
665 1580 |
somen@emirates.net.ae |
South Africa |
447 3446 |
447 3031 |
consular@southafrica.ae |
Spain |
626 9544 |
627 8974 |
emb.abudhabi@mae.es |
Sri Lanka |
642 6666 |
642 8289 |
lankemb@emirates.net.ae |
Sudan |
444 6699 |
449 0530 |
sudembii@emirates.net.ae |
Switzerland |
627 4636 |
626 9627 |
vertretung@adh.rep.admin.ch |
Sweden |
621 0162 |
639 4941 |
swedemb.uae@swedish.org.ae |
Syria |
444 8768 |
444 9387 |
info@syrianembassy.ae |
Tanzania |
631 3088 |
631 6618 |
tanrep@emirates.net.ae |
Thailand |
642 1772 |
642 1773 |
thaiauh@emirates.net.ae |
Tunisia |
681 1331 |
681 2707 |
ambtunad@emirates.net.ae |
Turkey |
445 4864 |
445 2522 |
tcabudbe@eim.ae |
Turkmenistan |
449 1088 |
449 2961 |
tkmemb@emirates.net.ae |
Ukraine |
632 7586 |
632 7506 |
embukr@emirates.net.ae |
United Kingdom |
610 1100 |
610 1518 |
www.britishembassy.gov.uk/uae |
414 2200 |
414 2469 |
usisamem@emirates.net.ae |
Yemen |
444 8457 |
444-7978 |
yemenemb@emirates.net.ae |
...back to top.