Zayed University International Conference

Under the Patronage of
His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance and Industry

Tomorrow's Teachers: Success Through Standards

A Zayed University College of Education
International Conference

in cooperation with

The Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Award for Distinguished Academic Performance

March 31 - April 1
J W Marriott Hotel, Dubai

Academic standards establish what students need to know and be able to do.  Related to standards discussions are their development, implementation, and assessment, as well as their relationship to critical thinking and learner-centered outcomes.  The role that standards play in encouraging best practice in the teaching of a variety of subjects must be examined.

The conference will include keynote addresses, breakout sessions, and the launch of the International Council on Education for Teaching
: Middle East Center. Sessions will be in English and Arabic.

Exhibits at the conference will showcase

  • Recipients of the Sheikh Hamdan Award
  • Zayed University student projects
  • Selected professional vendors
  • Poster sessions
Hamdan Award for Academic Excellence
Zayed University

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